The 99% Come First

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“In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.”
Among Marx’s central tenets was the belief that governments catered to the wealthy few and ignored the needs of the poorer majority. Communism sought to upend that system entirely. And while revolution might not sound like a good idea to you, studies show that the 1% can be blamed for your happiness.
Basic Rights For All

Image Source: Flickr
“Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society.”
One of the chief hopes of The Communist Manifesto was that, with the collapse of capitalism, all assets and capital would become public and everyone would receive their fair share by benefitting from new public-funded services.
While the issue of private funding vs. government funding is a more complicated and thorny one, most on both sides would agree that basic needs — healthcare, education (more on that later) — should be widely accessible in any healthy society.