
Source: Bubble News
Teleportation is the instantaneous travel from point to point within this universe, as well as forward or backwards in space and time.
In 1997 scientists made a huge breakthrough in teleportation when they discovered quantitative entanglement, or the ability to use a pair of electrons to move information over huge distances.

Source: CSMD
As of 2014, physicists have only teleported subatomic particles, but they speculate that in the next few decades they’ll be able to transport something as big as a molecule.
Parallel Universes
M theory math and the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics implies that whatever could possibly happen does happen, and that any type of universe you can imagine (so long as it operates within a certain set of laws) exists.

Source: Ozytive
This is how Brian Greene, author of The Elegant Universe, The Fabric of the Cosmos and The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos explains the way parallel universes occur: “If you shuffle that deck [of cards] enough times, the orders will have to repeat. Similarly, with an infinite universe and only a finite number of complexions of matter, the way in which matter arranges itself has to repeat.”

Source: Commentary Track
Which means that somewhere out there, there might be another Earth, and there might be another you, and that other you might be evil, and he/she might come here and assume your personality and commit some atrocious crime and ruin your life forever. Just one possibility.
Scientists at the Large Hedron Collider are working towards either proving or disproving the existence of parallel universes, so maybe we’ll know whether or not we have evil twins soon.