Black Holes

Source: Daily Galaxy
On a very basic level a black hole is a paradox. Remember that thing you learned in science all those years ago–that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Well black holes mess with that law because theoretically when an object or information enters a black hole it’s destroyed.

Source: NASA
Black holes appear in space when a star collapses in on itself, but researchers recently discovered that they can use particle accelerators to create mini black holes without using a ton of energy. When scientists at The Large Hedron Collider (the world’s largest particle smasher) ran experiments on the formation of black holes there was a huge public backlash. People were worried that all of these little black holes would crush the earth, open up portals to scary parallel universes, or even reduce the Earth to a lumpy hot mess.
Luckily none of that happened, so we’re all set.
Portals & Wormholes
If you take Einstein’s theory of relativity which says time isn’t linear, and combine it with Nathan Rosen’s theory that space is curved, you get what we call The Einstein-Rosen Bridge, or a tunnel-shaped shortcut between time and space. Sounds pretty damn cool, right? That’s because it is.

Source: Wallpaper Panda
At the moment we’re only capable to transporting something the size of an electron through a portal, so unless you give up eating carbs and being a human and having mass greater than 9.10938291 × 10-31 kilograms, entering a portal is out of the question. Ultimate thinspiration?