Gay rights around the world. Image Source: chersonandmolschky.com
Gay rights are a flashpoint in what can be described as a global culture war, and in many ways a country’s stance on gay rights can serve as a somewhat reliable indicator of that nation’s overall quality of life. After all, it’s hard to build a successful economy in an environment where some citizens are more or less arbitrarily deprived of equal protection under the law—and when international investors, diplomats, as well as tourists are increasingly punishing nations that discriminate against gays.
To be fair, some countries seem to be passing through a transitional period, with some recognition of gay rights and minimal open persecution. Others, however, remain firmly entrenched in their ways and seem determined to keep the closet door firmly locked. We look at all of these countries below:
United States

Interestingly enough, many of the pro-marriage opinions written by federal judges prior to 2015 directly quoted Justice Scalia's dissent in Lawrence v. Texas, in which the conservative justice lamented that decriminalizing gay sex removed the legal justification for prohibiting same-sex marriage.Business Insider


Other countries, such as Mexico, create a patchwork of jurisdictions in which all states recognize same-sex marriage, but not all issue licenses for it. Mexican citizens are thus in the same situation American citizens were before the ruling, with some couples being married in one state, then technically “single” in the next, then married again a few miles farther down the road. Fusion

Homosexuality is legal in Germany, as it has been since 1968 in the East and 1969 in the West, but the country lags on a federal level for some matters, such as joint adoption.The Huffington Post

Homosexual relations have been legal since 1962, and the country has a super-chill attitude toward transgendered people – allowing a change of identity papers without medical intervention, for example – but the strongly religious culture is not especially tolerant, and gay Hungarians still face day-to-day discrimination. Andrei Stavilă's Photography

The country allows for gay adoptions, but often finds an excuse to block the process. Likewise, gender reassignment surgery is not legal in Liechtenstein.Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, frequent beatings and counter-demonstrations are part of the landscape for gay Russians. One Russian skinhead, who has since left the country, posts videos of himself beating and humiliating gay men he's lured to his apartment. Over 190,000 people follow his videos on VK.net.Slate Magazine

Marriage, civil unions, adoption, and military service are all restricted to boys who like girls and girls who like boys. Girls who would like to be boys, and vice-versa, have been legally allowed to make the switch since 1982.Quartz

Case in point: Dominica, where homosexuality is punished by up to 10 years in prison and/or involuntary commitment to a mental hospital. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Yemeni women who are convicted of "willful" lesbian behavior are looking at seven years in a women's prison, which would be ironic and funny, except that they're going to prison and it's probably a nightmare. Women who are coerced into sex with another woman are treated somewhat less harshly; they're subject to being given three years for being raped.Let's Travel Somewhere

North Korea

To quote from their official website: "The DPRK practically guarantees the people genuine political freedom and rights according to the fundamental requirement of the Juche idea for enhancing man's independence and creativity in every way."
In practice, the country arrests people for having illegal haircuts, and being related to a "traitor" can get you sent to a labor camp, so there's no telling what's going on. Until the situation becomes clear, we advise against making a pass at your government monitor during a visit to Best Korea.Periódico Zócalo

Sudan imposes death after the third offense for men, and after the fourth offense for women. Mauritania condemns men and women both to death, but has graciously refrained from public executions since 1987. Uganda combines official repression with popular persecution. Much of this is driven by hate-preaching American missionaries who've been run out of town in America, only to find fertile soil in some of the most dysfunctional countries in the world.Al Jazeera

Saudi Arabia

Taking a hard line, the virtuous men of the Saudi Arabian legal system impose death on the second offense. Being gay and Jewish isn't punished in Saudi Arabia, mainly because Jews aren't allowed in the first place.Gay Star News