Incredibly Colorful Animals: Debelius’ Reef Lobster

Source: Marine Aquariums South Africa
Coming out to scavenge for food only after the sun sets, the Debelius’ Reef Lobster is territorial and aggressive around other lobsters. And unlike the crustacean of Red Lobster lore, Debelius’ Reef lobsters cloak themselves in white, lavender, orange and violet–not red.

ource: Marine Breeding Initiative

Source: The Featured Creature
Nembrotha Cristata

Source: Documenting Reality
Nembrotha cristata are a colorful type of sea slug found in tropical Indo-Western Pacific oceans. Though their bodies are black, the slug is covered in bright green pustules and gills edged in neon green. This bright coloring helps scare predators away, allowing the slugs to safely navigate ocean waters at their slow pace.

Source: Geolocation

Source: Biologia Marina
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