Source: The Epoch Times
SARS was the t.A.T.u. of diseases. In 2003, it emerged from the mysterious East, made a big, gimmicky splash in the popular media, and then quietly went away when we all got bored. Rather than exploring alternative sexuality through high-energy synth-pop, however, SARS showed the world a bit more respect by simply killing a little under 800 people.

Source: Wallpaper Web
Unlike t.A.T.u., SARS is still out there, and it might have a big future ahead of it. The virus spreads in all the ways influenza does, inhabits many of the same regions of the world, and symptoms are almost always mistaken for a severe case of the flu until several days into the contagious phase, when you’ve already exposed several hundred people to it.
It has an overall mortality rate of around 9 percent, but that figure jumps dramatically for the over-50 group, where SARS kills around half of those infected for reasons that aren’t really clear. Whatever. Here’s something to watch while you hack up your lungs: