Vintage Mugshots Of Some Incredibly Stylish Criminals

Source: Twisted Sifter
Given the influx of mascara-smudged, well-wrinkled celebrity mugs that litter the pages of tabloids, it seems that not even the rich and famous are capable of appearing somewhat dignified at an obviously undesirable point in their lives. Exuding glamor and sophistication despite being caught with cocaine or busted in an attempted robbery, Twisted Sifter’s collection of vintage mug shots almost makes lawlessness look cooler than your average T.I. music video. Ah, the good old days.

Source: Twisted Sifter

Source: Twisted Sifter
The Great American Breakdown

Source: Amy Stein
You’ve seen it in the news for years now: in spite of the so-called economic recovery beginning in 2009, 95% of income gained has gone to the top 1%. Wages for the middle class are stagnant. Politicians seek to make cut after cut in social safety nets, and the America that was born out of the New Deal is slowly coming undone. You might even argue that it, along with the “American Dream”, has broken down. At least that’s what photographer Amy Stein would say. Spending the past five years traversing the open roads, Stein says of her series, Stranded, “[it’s a] meditation on the despondence of the American psyche as this collapse of certainty left the country stuck in an unfamiliar space between distress and relief. In this series the car serves as both figurate symbol of American destiny and a literal representation of the personal breakdowns on the road to that promise.” For more, head over to Stein’s website.

Source: Amy Stein

Source: Amy Stein