Many works of art try to have a profound message, but oftentimes that message is either misconstrued, lost in the composition itself, or hard to relate to on behalf of the audience. That is not the case with the fish sculptures on Botafogo Beach in Rio de Janeiro. Simple and sleek, these sculptures promote a direct cause to all viewers: protect the environment by using only plastic bottles.
These three fish are made entirely out of recycled bottles and a lighting installation which is placed inside of them and used to illuminate them at night. It was made in 2012—just in time for a very large UN summit regarding the environment.
Nontraditional Sculptures: Toothpicks
You give most people a bunch of toothpicks and an empty room and they will eventually place them into a shape of some kind. It’s human nature. But some artists have recognized the toothpick’s potential for endeavors more glamorous than plucking broccoli from your teeth and have begun to use them to create art.
The most ambitious toothpick artist of them all has to be Scott Weaver. Weaver has created a number of artworks out of toothpicks, although “Rolling through the Bay” is definitely his masterpiece. It is an abstract depiction of San Francisco and, even after 34 years, it is still not finished. Weaver is adding new components all the time. So far it contains over 100,000 toothpicks which have been gathered from all over the world.