Strange Nature News: Divers Discover Giant Squid Egg Sac At Bottom Of Sea

YoutubeA giant gelatinous orb turned out to be a massive squid egg sac.
While visiting a World War II shipwreck off the coast of Ørstafjorden, Norway, a team of divers made a strange discovery.
The divers were swimming back from the shipwreck when they encountered a massive gelatinous orb floating about 50 feet above the seafloor. At first glance, the orb looked alien, like some kind of unidentified fish or monstrous blob.
Upon closer inspection, however, the orb revealed itself — or rather its contents did. Inside a protective layer of jelly were thousands of teeny tiny maggot-like creatures. After a little bit of investigation, the team realized that the orb was likely a giant squid egg sac, filled with tens of thousands of baby squid.
The encounter with the giant orb was caught on camera by one of the divers and subsequently tweeted out by the diving team.
#Mystery solved! #REVOcean captain @Nils Baadnes & Ronald Raasch discovered this giant gel ballwhile diving in Orstafjord #Norway, which is actually an eggmass of 10-armed #squid🦑👀
More info from @Halldis Ringvold/Sea Snack Norway/Geleballprosjektet
— REV Ocean (@rev_ocean) October 7, 2019
A find like this one is rare, according to the researchers, as egg sacs like these usually fill with water and sink to the ocean floor, where it is almost impossible to reach with diving equipment.