Iron Age chariot discovered with horse and rider, Neanderthal found to be eaten by giant bird, Vesuvius believed to have boiled the blood and brains of its victims.
An Iron Age Chariot With Horse And Rider In Tow Was Discovered In England

TwitterA similar chariot and remains discovery at a construction site in England.
A development company inĀ Pocklington, England was shocked to discover a buried chariot while preparing for the construction of a new property.
Not only did the company discover the chariot, but it also found that the remains of both the rider and the horses which pulled the chariot were buried with it as well.
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115,000-Year-Old Bones Found In Poland Reveal Neanderthal Child Eaten By Gigantic Prehistoric Bird

PAP/Jacek BednarczykThe tiny finger bones belonging to the Neanderthal child.
A few years ago, a team of researchers in Poland came across a pair of Neanderthal bones that held a grisly secret: Their owner had been eaten by a giant bird.
The two finger bones belonged to a Neanderthal child who had died roughly 115,000 years before, making those bones the oldest known human remains from Poland, according to Science In Poland.
Once the bones were analyzed, the scientists concluded that the hand bones were porous because they had passed through the digestive system of a large bird.
It is unclear if the bird killed the child and then ate him or if the animal simply scavenged on the child’s already-dead body, but researchers say that “neither option can be ruled out at this point.”
See more in this report.
Scientists Discover Mount Vesuvius Boiled The Blood And Exploded The Brains Of Its Victims

Petrone et al/PLOS OneA child (left) and a young adult male (right) discovered in the chambers.
It’s hard to imagine a more horrendous way to go than death by volcano, but a new study might have done just that.
A group of researchers from the Frederico II University Hospital in Naples published in PLOS One last month the theory that some victims of the Mount Vesuvius eruption died after the extreme heat of the explosion caused their blood to boil and their skulls to consequently explode.
Read on here.