All too often we set our sights on the terrestrial when looking for something to visually excite us -- these 20 underwater photos will change your mind.
Hold your breath and dive under water to see the world in a whole new light. Whether it’s images of dogs fetching balls or high fashion models holding poses next to whale sharks, modern photographers continue to snap stunning and unique underwater images that deserve to be ogled. Let’s start with some of the coolest underwater photos you’ve ever seen:

Source: Mr. Wallpaper

Source: Xcite Fun

Source: Style Germs

Source: Webneel
While photographer Louis Boutan captured the first clear underwater photo in 1893, it wasn’t until decades later that aquatic cameras were introduced to the general public. Today, GoPros, digital cameras and even some smartphones (with the correct cases) allow people from all walks of life to be underwater photographers. The following images are some of the most spectacular (and imaginative) photos of animals underwater.

Source: Smoking Designers

Source: The Dog Files

Source: University Of Miami

Source: Fantom XP

Source: UPI

Source: RW Rant

Source: Abdu Zeedo
Although underwater cameras have been used to capture stunning images that wow and excite, this technological advancement has also allowed scientists to better understand the ocean and the creatures that live within it.
Using underwater cameras, scientists are able to collect photos and videos of creatures previously unobserved for study. Here are some of the most beautiful images of fish and underwater landscapes:

Source: Todd Britl

Source: Constantine Alexander

Source: Airows

Source: Pictures Collections

Source: Saint Paul Public Schools

Source: Business Boom Collective