Go Below Sea Level With These Gorgeous Underwater Pictures

Published June 9, 2015
Updated March 15, 2019
Underwater Pictures

A seal attempting to acquire its next meal.

Writers and artists often use images of large bodies of water to symbolize the unknown. One look at nature photographer Jorge Cervera Hauser’s photography, though, and it seems that the ocean and its inhabitants are something Hauser knows incredibly well:

underwater animal photography feeding ball
Some fish swarm together for protection, but they more accurately just become a feeding ball for nearby predators. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography sea turtle
The majestic sea turtle can live in excess of 100 years. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography peeking croc
A young croc peeking out above the water line. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography dolphin pod
Pods of dolphins are often seen playing when not feeding. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography blue stripes
This shark has a couple of unlikely companions. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography diver down
Deep sea divers experience things most of us can only dream of. Source:Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography croc resting
Sometimes you just need a rest, even if you’re a crocodile. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography shark helper
Pilot fish keep sharks free from parasites. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography yellow backs
The underwater world holds a wide array of vibrant colors and exotic species. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography shark above
An artistic composition of a shark from above. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animall photography crystal blue
Crystal blue waters and a cruising shark. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography two dolphins
Stunning black and white photo of a pair of dolphins. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography hammerhead
A hammerhead shark swimming. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography from below
Artistic black and white of a cruising shark, from below. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography great white
Terror of the oceans, the great white shark! Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography tuna
Schools of tuna can number in the thousands. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography jaws lives
For many the massive great white shark will always conjure memories of the movie Jaws. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography jumping dolphin
A dolphin swimming upside down looks as though it is jumping out of the water. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

underwater animal photography sand ray
Black and white image of a ray burring into the sandy ocean floor. Source: Jorge Cervera Hauser

Hauser's stunning underwater pictures builds on a body of impressive work. He has held several prestigious titles during his career, including ambassador for the Discovery Channel’s campaign “Celebrando México” (Celebrating Mexico), producer of the nature documentary México Pelágico, co-director at the non-profit Pelagic Life, and executive producer at Calypso Media.

Recently making this underwater photography gallery available on Behance, Hauser invites us to bear witness to a world that few are able to experience. The work isn't just about aesthetics, though; Hauser’s work also advocates for the importance of wildlife conservation.

Erin Kelly
An All That's Interesting writer since 2013, Erin Kelly focuses on historic places, natural wonders, environmental issues, and the world of science. Her work has also been featured in Smithsonian and she's designed several book covers as a graphic artist.
Savannah Cox
Savannah Cox holds a Master's in International Affairs from The New School as well as a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, and now serves as an Assistant Professor at the University of Sheffield. Her work as a writer has also appeared on DNAinfo.
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Kelly, Erin. "Go Below Sea Level With These Gorgeous Underwater Pictures." AllThatsInteresting.com, June 9, 2015, https://allthatsinteresting.com/underwater-pictures. Accessed March 3, 2025.