U.S. Performed Radiation Experiments On Its Own Citizens, New Book Reveals

APLisa Martino-Taylor.
A recently released book details the experiments the US government undertook, over decades, on their own unknowing citizens to test the effects of radiation.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that a recently published book by Lisa Martino-Taylor, an associate professor of sociology at St. Louis Community College, reveals the experiments the US government conducted to determine the dangers of radioactivity on its own populace.
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WWII Vet Portrayed In ‘Band Of Brothers’ Dies At 96

TwitterDon Malarkey and Scott Grimes, the actor that portrayed him on Band Of Brothers.
One of the World War II paratroopers depicted in the HBO series Band Of Brothers died this last Saturday.
Fox 8 reports that Donald Malarkey, a WWII paratrooper whose testimony appeared in the HBO miniseries Band Of Brothers, died last Saturday, September 30th, at the age of 96.
Malarkey was a member of “Easy Company,” a part of the Army’s second paratrooper battalion whose feats of bravery were extensively covered by the non-fiction book titled Band Of Brothers, as well as the HBO miniseries of the same name.
Read on here.