Fun Or Fear? School Playgrounds Around The World
You probably think of slides and swings, seesaws and merry-go-rounds, monkey bars and jungle gyms. And while that traditional American playground is great (or physically and emotionally scarring unlike any other childhood trial⎯you know, depending on who you ask), it is but one version. A playground is simply that, some ground on which to play, and both of those elements can vary greatly from place to place. To see what both the ground and the play are like for the children of Kenya, Norway, Bhutan and beyond, look here.
Dating Tips For Women, 1938. Yes, They’re Quite Sexist.
Ok, “don’t drink too much” and “don’t use the car mirror to fix your make-up”⎯that’s fair. The former is common sense and the latter is just plain unsafe, regardless of your gender. But then: “Please and flatter your date by talking about the things he wants to talk about,” “Don’t speak unless spoken to,” “don’t be familiar.” Ok, I made up one of those. To find out which, head to Vintage Everyday.