Sailing to the South Pole, a dreamy catalogue of one girl's teen years, nightmare-inducing vintage photos, National Geographic's best travel photos, and the evolution of women's swimwear.

Vintage Everyday
Creepy Vintage Photos That Will Give You Nightmares

Vintage Everyday
Looking at old vintage photos out of context is a reliable recipe for creepiness. Most of the images can’t be explained, which leads the mind to create the story behind the photo. We don’t know what else to say about these photos other than don’t look at them before bed! These photos are things of nightmares.
See more at Vintage Everyday

Vintage Everyday
Remarkable Images From The 2016 National Geographic Travel Photographer Of The Year Contest

The eruption of Indonesia’s Mt. Bromo. Reynold Dewantara / National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest
The National Geographic Travel Photographer Contest is now in full swing and will accept entries until May 27, 2016. Although the prestigious competition hasn’t chosen finalists yet, National Geographic has already shared some of the early, impressive submissions in three categories: Nature, Cities, and People. The grand prize winner will receive a seven-day Polar Bear Safari for two in Churchill, Canada.
View more stunning shots at The Atlantic.

Botswana’s Linyati Bush Camp. M. Engelmann / National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

Old laval flows in Iceland now covered in a thick, green layer of moss. Dylan Shaw / National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest
Photographer Travels To South Pole In Century-Old Sailing Ship
When photographer Rene Koster set out on the harsh journey to the South Pole in a sailing ship built in 1911, he was, in his own, succinct words, “Seeking beauty, the beauty of emptiness and cold.”
His haunting photographs captured just that. But as beautiful as the results are, why would Koster give himself such a deliberately perilous task? Well, in his own words:
“I traveled with a sailing ship which was built in 1911; the same period the last great expeditions left for the unknown continent. Thoughts of frozen ships trapped in ice-covered seas cross my mind, images of the photographers who joined these expeditions to report of the unexplored. Fascinated by their stories I head for the same circumstances as those of the early twentieth century. A journey of longing, to a time that once was. An heroic saga; filled with hardship and adventure, in an infinite, barren land.”
See and hear more from Koster at The Washington Post.