The Self-Destructing Chip May Soon Be Here

Image Source: Gizmodo
While all manner of sophisticated digital solutions to the ongoing issue of information security will no doubt continue to thrive, perhaps the most effective solution is the most basic one: a chip that literally self-destructs.
Researchers at Xerox’s PARC recently unveiled a glass chip that shatters into countless pieces on command. When the small resistor at the bottom of the chip is heated by a laser, the glass instantly breaks into pieces, rendering any information therein completely irretrievable.
Though the chip doesn’t appear to be hitting the market anytime soon, prepare for the future of information security at Gizmodo.
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An artist’s rendering of the bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812, when Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics to “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Image Source: Windsor Star

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Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

An artistic depiction of the Alexandria library burning. Image Source: Nautis.