Petition to drink Egyptian mummy juice started, giant 4,500-year-old henge uncovered, Amelia Earhart's final days revealed.
28,000 Signed A Petition To Drink This ‘Mummy Juice’ — And Scientists Just Figured Out What It Is
On July 19, archaeologists finally looked inside the previously-unopened Ancient Egyptian sarcophagus that had been unearthed in Alexandria several weeks prior. And what they discovered was three skeletons floating around in a mysterious, 2,000-year-old red liquid, and soon the internet started buzzing about what this “mummy juice” might be.
Now, with some suggesting that the liquid might possess some sort of special powers were you to consume it, there’s actually a petition calling on Egyptian authorities to allow those who want to drink the “mummy juice” to do so.
Dig deeper here.
Massive, 4500-Year-Old Irish Henge Revealed By Drought
For the past several weeks, Ireland has been plagued by intense heat and a historic drought. But as normally plush agricultural land has turned into wilted pastures due to the extreme lack of rain, one astonishing find has revealed itself.
On July 10 in County Meath, Ireland, a photographer and author named Anthony Murphy discovered the remains of a 4,500-year-old-henge previously hidden by the crops that covered the field.
See more in this report.
Newly Revealed Distress Calls Reveal The Final, Desperate Days Of Amelia Earhart
Since she disappeared over the Pacific in 1937, Amelia Earhart’s death has captivated the public. The story’s unanswered questions have kept people wondering how one of the most accomplished female pilots met her untimely demise, but now a new report analyzing her final distress calls claims to have solved the mystery.
In the report, researchers Richard Gillespie and Robert Brandenburg analyzed over 100 distress calls (57 of those deemed credible) made by Earhart to theorize that her and her navigator, Fred Noonan, died several days after their plane crashed on Gardner’s Island in the Western Pacific.
Discover more here.