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The Story Of Neal Cassady, The Lesser-Known Beat Figure Who Inspired Jack Kerouac And Allen Ginsberg

The Story Of Neal Cassady, The Lesser-Known Beat Figure Who Inspired Jack Kerouac And Allen Ginsberg

After crossing paths with the Beats in New York City in 1946, Neal Cassady inspired some of their most famous works, including Jack Kerouac's "On The Road."
Karla Faye Tucker, The Condemned Murderer Whose Death Row Conversion To Christianity Inspired A Campaign To Save Her Life

Karla Faye Tucker, The Condemned Murderer Whose Death Row Conversion To Christianity Inspired A Campaign To Save Her Life

Convicted of brutally murdering two people in Houston in 1983, Karla Faye Tucker eventually became the first woman to be executed in Texas since 1863.
<em>Scarface</em> Actress Tammy Lynn Leppert Disappeared In 1983 — And She Hasn’t Been Seen Since

Scarface Actress Tammy Lynn Leppert Disappeared In 1983 — And She Hasn’t Been Seen Since

On July 6, 1983, 18-year-old Tammy Lynn Leppert vanished from Cocoa Beach, Florida, after months of erratic behavior and intense paranoia that someone was out to get her.
Thor’s Well, The Astonishing Sea Cave In Oregon That Looks Like It’s Draining The Pacific Ocean

Thor’s Well, The Astonishing Sea Cave In Oregon That Looks Like It’s Draining The Pacific Ocean

Dubbed the "Drainpipe of the Pacific," Thor's Well is actually only 20 feet deep — but as the water rushes in from the Pacific Ocean, its depths appear unfathomable.
Bruce Lee Vs. Wong Jack Man: What Really Happened In Their Mysterious Fight?

Bruce Lee Vs. Wong Jack Man: What Really Happened In Their Mysterious Fight?

Though some say Bruce Lee bested kung fu master Wong Jack Man during their 1964 duel in Oakland, the outcome remains disputed to this day.
The Fascinating History Of Papa Legba, The Gatekeeper Of The Vodou Spirit World

The Fascinating History Of Papa Legba, The Gatekeeper Of The Vodou Spirit World

One of the most important lwa spirits in Vodou, Papa Legba is believed to be an intermediary that allows humankind to communicate with the spirits.
The Wild Story Of Atlantic City Kingpin Enoch Johnson, The Real-Life ‘Nucky Thompson’ From <em>Boardwalk Empire</em>

The Wild Story Of Atlantic City Kingpin Enoch Johnson, The Real-Life ‘Nucky Thompson’ From Boardwalk Empire

Nucky Johnson ran Atlantic City in the early 20th century, using the wealth he gained from his bootlegging and casino operations to control the city’s political machine.
The Astonishing Story Of Millvina Dean, The Last Survivor Of The <em>Titanic</em>

The Astonishing Story Of Millvina Dean, The Last Survivor Of The Titanic

Millvina Dean was just two months old in 1912 when the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic — and she lived to the age of 97 before dying in 2009.
The History Of The Codex Gigas, The Massive Medieval Manuscript Known As The ‘Devil’s Bible’

The History Of The Codex Gigas, The Massive Medieval Manuscript Known As The ‘Devil’s Bible’

The 620-page Codex Gigas stands nearly 36 inches high and may have taken 25 years for a single monk to write.
The Strange And Misunderstood History Of The Chastity Belt

The Strange And Misunderstood History Of The Chastity Belt

While chastity belts have become part of our understanding of the Middle Ages, they were likely fabricated by historians during the Renaissance.
Inside The Mystery Of Jim Morrison’s Death And The Disturbing Theories That Surround It

Inside The Mystery Of Jim Morrison’s Death And The Disturbing Theories That Surround It

Explore the truth about Jim Morrison's death on July 3, 1971, and the unresolved mysteries that surround the iconic Doors frontman's final moments.