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Half Of America’s Guns Owned By Just Three Percent Of Adult Population

Half Of America’s Guns Owned By Just Three Percent Of Adult Population

A mere three percent of U.S. adults own approximately half of all the nation’s guns, according to a new study from Harvard and Northeastern universities.
The Dark Origins And Troubling Future Of Conjugal Visits In American Prisons

The Dark Origins And Troubling Future Of Conjugal Visits In American Prisons

Many countries around the world still permit the practice — and the U.S. is not one of them. That's a problem.
19 Gandhi Facts And Quotes That Reveal His Hidden Dark Side

19 Gandhi Facts And Quotes That Reveal His Hidden Dark Side

From his bizarre sex beliefs to his "Dear friend..." letters to Hitler, these 19 Gandhi facts and quotes uncover a dark side you'd never imagine.
West Virginia Cop Fired For Choosing Not To Shoot Man

West Virginia Cop Fired For Choosing Not To Shoot Man

A former police officer in Weirton, West Virginia just revealed to local news sources that he was fired this summer for responding to a call and not shooting a man holding a gun at his side.
Therapy Animals: Heartwarming Photos And Surprising Facts

Therapy Animals: Heartwarming Photos And Surprising Facts

Man’s best friends may be more beneficial to the medical world than we think.
The War Against ISIS

The War Against ISIS

Go beyond the headlines and see what it's actually like on the front lines.
33 Brutal Photos That Capture The Futility Of The Mexican Drug War

33 Brutal Photos That Capture The Futility Of The Mexican Drug War

Battlefield scenes from the Mexican drug war with no end in sight.
The High And Lows Of Nyaope, Africa’s Brutal New Street Drug

The High And Lows Of Nyaope, Africa’s Brutal New Street Drug

A brutal look at how Nyaope (a.k.a. Whoonga) -- the devastating drug made with rat poison and HIV meds -- is wreaking havoc in South Africa.
Researchers Film Stubby Squid Off California Coast

Researchers Film Stubby Squid Off California Coast

When crawling the ocean floor off California, researchers happened upon the most unbelievably adorable marine creature on Earth: a stubby squid (Rossia pacifica).
37 Eerie Scenes Of Abandoned Places Across The UK

37 Eerie Scenes Of Abandoned Places Across The UK

These eerie scenes of abandoned places around the UK reveal the ghosts of its industrial past and the looming specter of its uncertain future.
Inside Tristan da Cunha, The Most Remote Human Settlement On Earth

Inside Tristan da Cunha, The Most Remote Human Settlement On Earth

Explore Edinburgh of the Seven Seas on the island of Tristan da Cunha — the most remote human settlement in the world.