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Today In History
Mamta Bhatt
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9 Unsolved Ancient Mysteries That Still Perplex Historians Thousands Of Years Later
Mamta Bhatt
3 years ago
From the stone heads on Easter Island to the fate of the Ark of the Covenant, these ancient mysteries have baffled historians for years.
The 8 Ugliest Animals You’ll Ever Lay Eyes On
Mamta Bhatt
11 years ago
Natural selection certainly doesn't care too much about aesthetics; the creatures featured here are some of the ugliest animals to have ever existed!
Bee Beards, Your New Favorite Hobby
Mamta Bhatt
11 years ago
Bored and near a colony of bees? We've got just the hobby for you: bee bearding.
Ridiculous Beliefs Of The World’s Most Acclaimed Thinkers
Mamta Bhatt
11 years ago
The man who invented cereal thought it might curb masturbation. Read on for more ridiculous beliefs.
6 Astonishing Asian Structures That Boggle The Mind
Mamta Bhatt
11 years ago
Sure, Europe has the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben. North America has the Empire State Building. But these relatively unknown Asian structures are just as cool.
20 Of The Most Famous Sports Photos
Mamta Bhatt
11 years ago
Sports are characterized by their movement and physical nature, so seeing sports photos--static and artistic--is a new way to appreciate the field.
The 10 Most Dangerous Places On Earth
Mamta Bhatt
11 years ago
If you're considering a summer vacation, the ten most dangerous places on the planet should definitely not be on your short list.
Four Architectural Wonders Of India
Mamta Bhatt
13 years ago
India's architecture is as rich as its food. Here are four prime examples.
Five Architectural Marvels Of Japan
Mamta Bhatt
13 years ago
From organic buildings to technicolor dream lofts, Japan provides some of the most innovative and zany architecture in the world.
The Greatest Architecture Of The Middle Ages
Mamta Bhatt
13 years ago
The skyscrapers in Abu Dhabi might be pretty awesome, but so is some of the greatest architecture of the Middle Ages!
The Five Marvels Of Islamic Architecture
Mamta Bhatt
13 years ago
Although most Western thought praises the architectural genius of cathedrals, Islamic architecture is stunning in it's own right!