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How Pumpkin Spice Took Over Fall: A Brief History

How Pumpkin Spice Took Over Fall: A Brief History

How and why did the pumpkin spice latte become a global phenomenon?
History Of “Racial Terrorism” Means U.S. Government Owes African-Americans Reparations, U.N. Group Says

History Of “Racial Terrorism” Means U.S. Government Owes African-Americans Reparations, U.N. Group Says

The group cited the War on Drugs, police brutality, and mass incarceration as examples of how the U.S. continues to inflict "racial terror" on African-Americans.
This U.S. Government Agency Kills Millions Of Animals A Year

This U.S. Government Agency Kills Millions Of Animals A Year

Wildlife Services has used taxpayer dollars to kill millions of animals since 2000. Here's what you should know about the organization, and why the problem is bigger than wildlife.
New Photo Series Imagines Nature’s Ghostly Return To Urban Spaces

New Photo Series Imagines Nature’s Ghostly Return To Urban Spaces

Urbanization may hold the key to alleviating poverty, but at what cost can this come?
Hangover-Free Alcohol May Be Yours By 2050

Hangover-Free Alcohol May Be Yours By 2050

If you have ever attended college or had a job, chances are that you have also had a hangover. However, a new kind of synthetic alcohol might allow you to skip that. Imperial College professor David Nutt is behind the discovery, which he calls “alcosynth.” According to Nutt — who...
The Troubling Legacy Of Mikhail Kalashnikov’s Greatest Invention

The Troubling Legacy Of Mikhail Kalashnikov’s Greatest Invention

How Mikhail Kalashnikov invented the AK-47, why it took over the world, and what he wishes he'd made instead.
Italy Creates “Fertility Day” To Remind Women That Future Should Involve A Baby

Italy Creates “Fertility Day” To Remind Women That Future Should Involve A Baby

As Italy grapples with declining birthrates and slumping economic growth, Italian lawmakers actually made a “day” to remind women that their future should involve a baby.
How Our Treatment Of Microcephaly Sufferers Has — And Hasn’t — Changed

How Our Treatment Of Microcephaly Sufferers Has — And Hasn’t — Changed

The Zika epidemic has brought microcephaly into popular view. Has the public's treatment of the condition changed?
45,000 Wild Horses To Be Killed By U.S. Government To Save Money, Grazing Pasture

45,000 Wild Horses To Be Killed By U.S. Government To Save Money, Grazing Pasture

On Friday, the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board voted in favor of killing 45,000 wild horses currently in government holding.
Photos Of The Great Depression’s Forgotten Black Victims

Photos Of The Great Depression’s Forgotten Black Victims

The Great Depression upended many American livelihoods and caused dramatic shifts in population sizes -- particularly among African-Americans. This is what that looked like.
Inside The Dangerous U.S.-Saudi Arabia Alliance

Inside The Dangerous U.S.-Saudi Arabia Alliance

As the U.S. fights to stop ISIS from making gains in the Middle East, it continues its relationship with Saudi Arabia, "an ISIS that made it."