The Tragic Stories Of Freak Show Performers: Schliztie — “Pinhead”

MGMSchlitzie, whose real name was possibly Simon Metz.
One of the most prolific freak show performers, “Schliztie” appeared in most major circuses of the 20th century, including Dobritsch International Circus, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, and the Tom Mix Circus.
He was born around 1901, with a condition called microcephaly. This condition causes a small brain, skull, and head, as well as an underdeveloped body. Schliztie, whose real name may have been Simon Metz, spent his early life in foster homes before landing in the circus.
There, Schliztie charmed his fellow performers with his childlike innocence. With the mental capacity of a three or four-year-old, he could only speak in short sentences and phrases. But Schliztie also endured the taunts of jeering audiences, who called him a “freak,” “cretin,” and “moron.”
But in 1932, Schliztie got something of a big break when he was cast in the film Freaks. Though the movie was panned — The Hollywood Reporter called it an “outrageous onslaught upon the feelings, the senses, the brains and the stomachs of an audience” — it briefly made Schliztie a star.
However, fleeting fame couldn’t save Schliztie from the harsh world of circus life. Though a chimp trainer named George Surtees took Schliztie under his wing and cared for him like a son, Surtees soon died. And then his daughter decided to send Schliztie to a mental institution in Los Angeles.
Schliztie spent several lonely years there before a sideshow sword swallower named Bill Unks recognized him during a performance at the hospital. Unks became Schliztie’s caretaker and brought him back on the road.
He spent the last few years of his life performing, before retiring in Los Angeles. In 1971, Schliztie died and was buried in an unmarked grave.
It wasn’t until 2007 that a fan raised enough money to place a black headstone on Schliztie’s resting place, a sign of respect and acknowledgment that the freak show performer so lacked during his life.
After learning about the tragic stories of freak show performers, learn about Robert Wadlow, the tallest person in history. Then, see some unbelievable photographs of Andre the Giant.