Surreal Photos Of Exotic Pets In Their Domestic Environments

Image Source: Slate
Would you keep a pig as a pet in your three-bedroom apartment? If you’re not so sure you would, photographer Areca Roe’s “Housebroken” series may convince you. Roe highlights the juxtaposition between the wildness of uncommon pets—including snakes, lizards, and pigs—and their domestic environments. “That environment plays a key role in the photographs, serving as a stand-in for the owners, and as a source of tension between the wild-seeming animal and the soft textures and clutter of domestic life,” Roe explained to Slate (where you can see more). “Broken indicates tamed, or maybe the animal being broken from its wild self.”

Babt teacup pig Dozer. Image Source: Slate

Pet lizard Tumnus. Image Source: Slate
Can You Spot These Unbelievably Well Camouflaged Animals?

Cheetah. Hint: bottom left. Image Source: All That Is Interesting
As we’ve shown you before, animal camouflage is one of nature’s great tricks. Of course, that’s not to dismiss its usefulness. Whether you’re predator or prey, countless animals depend on camouflage for their very survival. We humans of course have no such incentive to spot camouflaged creatures. Nevertheless, see if you can spot the hidden animals in these astounding photos (look in the captions for hints about finding the animals in the photos included here).

Coyote. Hint: middle left. Image Source: All That Is Interesting

Impala. Hint: bottom right. Image Source: All That Is Interesting