Mind-Blowing Natural Phenomena: Monarch Butterfly Migrations

Source: Visual Logs
Few migrations are surrounded with as much mystery as that of the monarch butterfly. The only butterfly known to make north-south migrations like birds and capable of making transatlantic crossings, scientists are still baffled by the monarch’s ability to return to the same spots year after year–especially as no single butterfly can make it the entire way.
Seeing as monarch butterflies only have a lifespan of approximately two months, females–largely immune to predators given that they are poisonous to birds–lay eggs along the way, thus making it possible for the several-month cycle to continue indefinitely in spite of their mortality.

Source: RH Fleet

Source: Going Wild

Source: eScience Commons
If you enjoyed the world’s most mind-blowing natural phenomena, be sure to check out the seven most beautiful natural phenomena and the world’s most bizarre landscapes! Then, discover the six most beautiful butterflies on Earth.