Anglo-Saxon warlord's grave uncovered, ancient Greek snake altar found, undetonated World War II bomb explodes.
British Metal Detectorists Uncover Pagan Grave Of 1,400-Year-Old Anglo-Saxon Warlord

University of ReadingThe 1,400-year-old skeleton of the Anglo-Saxon Marlow Warlord.
Amateur metal detectorists in southern England have uncovered the sixth-century grave of an Anglo-Saxon warlord. Known as the Marlow Warlord, he was buried with arrowheads, pottery, and an intact sword complete with a bronze and leather scabbard still bearing a mark believed to have been made in battle 1,400 years ago.
“We had expected to find some kind of Anglo-Saxon burial,” said Dr. Gabor Thomas, “but what we found exceeded all our expectations.”
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Ancient Greek Snake Altar Made To Appease The Gods Of The Dead Found In Turkey

Mustafa Koçak/Antalya Bilim UniversityThe ancient city of Patara in Turkey is also known as “the cradle of civilizations.”
Archaeologists in the ancient Greek city of Patara have uncovered a stunning 2,000-year-old altar engraved with a coiled, decorative snake relief. While serpents have proven a ubiquitous symbol across ancient civilizations, this is first discovery of its kind in Patara, which has an intriguing history of its own.
See more in this report.
Biggest WW2 Bomb Found In Poland Explodes Underwater During Defusal Attempt

Polish NavyA “Tallboy” bomb from World War II found in Poland accidentally detonated during an attempt to diffuse it.
Last year, authorities in Poland discovered an unnerving relic from World War II beneath the surface of the water: a massive unexploded bomb. Authorities tried to defuse the bomb, the largest of its kind ever found in Poland, only to have it go off anyway.
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