Everyday photos turned into movie posters, awe-inspiring new Mars images, sealed inside plastic for art, the “Rich Kids of Tehran,” and life in post-Soviet Ukraine.

Your Ordinary Photos Turned Into Intense Movie Posters

Reddit user Your_Post_As_A_Movie has long been turning mundane photos into pitch-perfect fake movie posters. Pets become action heroes, ordinary landscapes become epic battlegrounds, and every image becomes positively hilarious.
See more at Your_Post_As_A_Movie.

NASA Releases Over 1,000 New Incredible Images Of Mars

NASADunes Dubbed Kolhar
For many of us, since grade school, we’ve referred to Mars as the “Red Planet.” Yet, as these newly released photos from NASA suggest, the planet is far from resembling a fiery tomato.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) was launched into space in 2005 and has been rotating around the planet ever since. The spacecraft has captured thousands of remarkable images that it transmits back to Earth every month, but this particular batch of photos – 1,035, to be exact – captured the second smallest planet in the solar system like never before.
These stunning shots provide us with a better perspective of Mars, and if you haven’t had enough here, you can view more at Bored Panda.

NASAIrregular Basin Floor Materials

NASASlope Monitoring In Aram Chaos
Japanese Couples Risks Their Lives Inside Plastic To Make Art

Haruhiko Kawaguchi
The idea is simple: Japanese artist Haruhiko Kawaguchi lubes up couples then vacuum seals them inside large plastic bags. He then has just seconds to take the photo before suffocation begins.
There are paramedics standing by, but it’s still a rather risky affair that makes for a some rather stunning iamges.
See more at Kawaguchi’s website.

Haruhiko Kawaguchi

Haruhiko Kawaguchi