Clowns, Fish, And Porcupines: 18 Of The World’s Weirdest Sex Laws

Image Source: All That Is Interesting
Some of these laws are downright strange, while others are just normal enough to make you wonder why they had to be created in the first place. From necrophilia to intercourse with fish, this shocking gallery reveals some of the most truly weird sex laws from around the world.

Image Source: All That Is Interesting

Image Source: All That Is Interesting
Travel Expectations Vs. Reality

The Eiffel Tower. Image Source: Travel Triangle
Sure, you think you can leisurely stroll along the grass in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower and enjoy the beauty of Paris. Then you remember that it attracts 7 million people each year (almost 1,300 every hour that it’s open). Sadly, so it goes with the rest of the world. You’re not the only one that knows that the world’s best locations are the world’s best locations. See just how crowded things can get in this eye-opening photo series at Travel Triangle.

The Great Wall of China. Image Source: Travel Triangle

Tiger Temple, Thailand. Image Source: Travel Triangle