Ancient warrior woman in Viking cemetery uncovered, Victorian dildo returned to Ireland, Triceratops skull unearthed.
Warrior Woman Found Buried Alongside Her Axe In 1,000-Year-Old Viking Cemetery

Mira FrickeA piece of the ancient remains of a likely-Slavic warrior woman recently found on the Danish island of Langeland.
They thought she was a Viking warrior, but her weapon of choice now says otherwise.
In a study published by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, researcher Leszek Gardeła from Germany’s University of Bonn examined the ancient remains of a warrior woman buried inside a Viking cemetery on the Danish island of Langeland.
However, upon closer inspection, Gardeła found that the buried woman was likely not a Viking at all, but instead a Slavic warrior.
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While The Rest Of Victorian Ireland Starved, One Wealthy Irishman Bought His Wife An Ivory Dildo

Matthews Auction RoomThe dildo is carved out of ivory and comes with its own scarlet-lined case.
Sex toy entrepreneur Shawna Scott has had her eye on a very special item for quite some time: an ivory dildo dating back to the 19th century. Scott will finally be able to get her hands on the Victorian sex toy after she won it for $680 at an auction in Ireland.
The dildo is described on the Matthews Auction Room website as an “antique carved ivory ladies companion in scarlet lined leather upholstered carry box with inset bevelled glass panel.” Auctioneers estimate that the dildo was carved from the tusk of an elephant sometime between 1899 and 1901 in China.
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College Student Unearths 65-Million-Year-Old Triceratops Skull In North Dakota’s Hell Creek Formation

University of California, MercedThe fifth-year biology student has now formed a nonprofit with his colleague to find and preserve fossils like this while educating the public about the process.
The Badlands of North Dakota are no stranger to entombed prehistoric dinosaur fossils, as the region contains a trove of remnants from the Cretaceous period. The latest discovery is a 65-million-year-old partial Triceratops skull.
A fifth-year biology student from the University of California, Merced, Harrison Duran was on a dig when he encountered the prehistoric fossil. As a lifelong enthusiast of paleontology, the discovery was overwhelming.
“I can’t quite express my excitement in that moment when we uncovered the skull,” said Duran. “I’ve been obsessed with dinosaurs since I was a kid, so it was a pretty big deal.”
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