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The Amount Of Dead Users On Facebook Will Outnumber Living Ones By 2070, New Study Says

The Amount Of Dead Users On Facebook Will Outnumber Living Ones By 2070, New Study Says

According to the study's predictions, 1.4 billion Facebook users will have died before the year 2100, leaving precious personal data behind.
Two Plastic Bags And A Balloon Found In Dead Baby Dolphin Stranded On Florida Beach

Two Plastic Bags And A Balloon Found In Dead Baby Dolphin Stranded On Florida Beach

This dolphin is part of a population of just 600 now facing dangers like the threat of ocean pollution.
400-Year-Old Japanese Festival Has Babies Compete To Cry The Loudest

400-Year-Old Japanese Festival Has Babies Compete To Cry The Loudest

The Naki Sumo or Nakizumo Crying Baby Festival celebrates the belief that crying babies bring good health and fortune to their futures as well as ward off evil spirits.
White Whale Sabotaging Norwegian Fishing Boats Suspected To Be Russian Operative

White Whale Sabotaging Norwegian Fishing Boats Suspected To Be Russian Operative

The Russian Navy has a history of recruiting and training beluga whales, seals, and dolphins to detect weapons, guard entrances to naval bases, and even kill intruders that enter the navy's territory.
Our Tongues Have A Sense Of Smell That Helps Us To Develop Flavors, Study Says

Our Tongues Have A Sense Of Smell That Helps Us To Develop Flavors, Study Says

New research suggests that our sense of taste and smell are actually linked through our tongue first and not our brain.
Famed Photographer Sebastião Salgado Plants Two Million Trees With His Wife And 20 Years Later, Creates New Forest

Famed Photographer Sebastião Salgado Plants Two Million Trees With His Wife And 20 Years Later, Creates New Forest

Formerly barren land in Brazil is now thriving with hundreds of new flora and fauna thanks to the efforts of Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia.
557 Rare Coins From Black Death Era Dug Up By Amateur Metal Detectorists

557 Rare Coins From Black Death Era Dug Up By Amateur Metal Detectorists

The haul is estimated to be worth more than $195,000 and believed to be the biggest of its kind in the United Kingdom in the last decade.
Remains Of Whole Snake Discovered In 1,500-Year-Old Human Poop

Remains Of Whole Snake Discovered In 1,500-Year-Old Human Poop

Archeologists analyzed a cache of fossilized poop and found remains of an entire venomous snake, including a head, a fang, and scales.
Rhinos And Elephant-Like Creatures Once Roamed Texas 11 Million-Years-Ago, According To New Study

Rhinos And Elephant-Like Creatures Once Roamed Texas 11 Million-Years-Ago, According To New Study

4,000 fossils excavated during the Great Depression revealed that the coast of Texas was once filled with rhinoceros, elephant-like mammals, and ancient wild dogs.
Archaeologists Finally Uncover Grisly Evidence Of Legendary 17th-Century Eskimo Massacre

Archaeologists Finally Uncover Grisly Evidence Of Legendary 17th-Century Eskimo Massacre

Archeologists found the remains of 28 villagers that were shown to have been tortured before their village was burned to the ground.
Uncovered Titanic Love Letter Reveals Near-Disaster Days Before It Hit The Iceberg

Uncovered Titanic Love Letter Reveals Near-Disaster Days Before It Hit The Iceberg

"I could see visions of Belfast it must have been a trying time for the Captain," Richard Geddes wrote to his wife, four days before the Titanic sank.