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The World’s Most Intricate Origami

The World’s Most Intricate Origami

Worlds more sophisticated than Playdoh but much less expensive than sculpting, origami is an art that can be enjoyed by all.
The World’s Most Spectacular Observatories

The World’s Most Spectacular Observatories

Thanks to these observatories, the stars above don't hang so high.
Six Of The Most Bizarre Beauty Trends

Six Of The Most Bizarre Beauty Trends

The measures people will take to feel beautiful are staggering and staggeringly painful. A fascinating look at the most bizarre beauty trends in the world!
Visualizing Climate Change, A Moving Look At Climate Change’s Impact

Visualizing Climate Change, A Moving Look At Climate Change’s Impact

Climate change's incredible effects on nature and humanity can be found throughout the world - a look at the most staggering examples of climate change.
The 7 Strangest Celebrity Deaths Of The 1920s

The 7 Strangest Celebrity Deaths Of The 1920s

The strangest, most scandalous celebrity deaths from an era when such things could still be covered up.
Japan’s Most Incredible Contemporary Artists

Japan’s Most Incredible Contemporary Artists

Embracing their rich, colorful heritage as well as their eye for all things sleek and refined, Japan's contemporary art is some of the coolest stuff you'll ever see.
Inside The World’s Five Biggest Crime Organizations

Inside The World’s Five Biggest Crime Organizations

You do not want to be on the bad side of the Yakuza.
Mankind’s Greatest Libraries

Mankind’s Greatest Libraries

The written word has captivated the human mind for millennia -- a fascinating historical and photographic look at history's greatest libraries.
The 6 Craziest Popes In The History Of The Catholic Church

The 6 Craziest Popes In The History Of The Catholic Church

From trying a corpse for perjury to selling the papacy to marry a cousin, Catholicism certainly has had its share of colorful Popes.
Russia’s Most Astonishing Architecture

Russia’s Most Astonishing Architecture

The decadence of the Russian monarchy is not one that is easy to ignore. From the Winter Palace to Catherine's Palace, take a glimpse to these rococo Rusky gems.
The Architectural Wonders Of Spain

The Architectural Wonders Of Spain

There's more to Spain than bullfighting, sangria and flamenco. Take for instance some of its astonishing architectural designs.