These Joseph Stalin facts reveal the man who wrote the history of 20th-century Soviet Union in blood.

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He had a challenging upbringing
All three of his siblings died while young, and at school he was often mocked by teachers and peers for his accent — Stalin, from Georgia, spoke mainly Georgian. Years later, Stalin would contract smallpox, and the pockmarks would stay on his face for the duration of his life.
Pictured: Stalin in 1892.Laski Diffusion/Getty Images
He was abused as a child
Stalin’s father, Vissarion, was believed to have been an alcoholic and to have regularly beaten his wife and son.
Pictured: Joseph Stalin (center) with his mother (left) and father (right). Pigi CipelliMondadori Portfolio via Getty Images
He excelled in school, even while causing trouble
That’s not to say his studies kept him out of trouble, however. One fellow student called him “the best but also the naughtiest pupil,” and biographical accounts back it up: he formed a gang with friends, and at one point was known to have ignited explosives in a shop.
Pictured: Stalin (left) with friends.ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images
A bad reunion with his dad may have kickstarted his dislike of capitalism
This, Service said, was Stalin’s “first experience with capitalism,” and one that was “raw, harsh, and dispiriting.”
Pictured: Stalin in 1894.Hulton Archive/Getty Images
He attended seminary
He didn’t do this because he wanted to be a priest — that was his mother’s ambition for him — but because he had no access to higher education elsewhere.
Pictured: Stalin in 1911. Hulton Archive/Getty Images
He was a decent poet
At school, he began writing poetry of his own. Five of his poems, all written in Georgian, appeared in the popular literary journal, Iveria, which was owned by poet Ilia Chavchavadze.
Pictured: Stalin in 1917.Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Image
He was a divinity school dropout
Pictured: czarist police file photograph, March 1908.Getty Images
His first stint in prison came after he led a series of pro-labor demonstrations
Soon enough, Stalin called for strikes: one initially to demand a pay increase, and then a second to protest the company’s later layoffs. Next, he organized a public demonstration against the arrest of strike leaders, and a further demonstration to protest the violence police enacted on members of the strikes.
At this point, authorities knew Stalin was orchestrating it all, and on April 5 1902 arrested him and subsequently imprisoned him.
Pictured: The information card on Joseph Stalin, from the files of the Tsarist secret police in St. Petersburg.Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images
He was quite short
Height 2 archins, 4 1/2 vershoks. Body medium. Age 23. Special features: Second and third toes of the left foot attached. Appearance: Ordinary. Hair dark brown. Beard and moustaches: Brown. Nose straight and long. Forehead straight but low. Face long, swarthy and pockmarked.
When converted to the English system, that’s 5 feet 4 inches tall.
Pictured: Stalin circa 1915. Hulton Archive/Getty Images
On the eve of the Revolution, Stalin was by all accounts a nobody.
Featured: Russian revolutionaries, March 1919.FPG/Archive Photos/Getty Images
He still organized protests while imprisoned
For his acts, Stalin was then sentenced to solitary confinement.
Pictured: Joseph Stalin with a group of Bolshevik revolutionaries in Turukhansk, Russia, 1915. General Photographic Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
His last name wasn’t actually Stalin
Pictured: Stalin, date unknown.Hulton Archive/Getty Images
In fact, “Stalin” was only the last among a series of aliases he gave himself
Later on in school, he would also go by “Koba,” the name of a Robin Hood-type protagonist in an 1883 novel “The Patricide.”
After World War II, Stalin would send missives to Soviet officials as Druzhkov.
Pictured: Stalin delivering a speech, 1937.Bettmann/Getty Images
His adult family life was pocked with tragedy
Stalin would not get along with the child he had with Svanidze, Yakov Dzhugashvili. In fact, some accounts state that Yakov attempted to kill himself due to the way his father treated him.
Pictured: Ekaterina Svanidzi.Photo12/UIG via Getty Images
Stalin may have allowed the death of his son
Some accounts allege that Stalin said “A lieutenant is not worth a general,” while others say that Stalin said “I have no son.”
Either way, Stalin passed on the offer and Yakov was killed.
Pictured: Yakov Dzhugashvili,1941.Heinrich Hoffmann/ullstein bild via Getty Images
His second wife killed herself
Pictured: Picnic at Satchi: Stalin, Nadia (his wife), Vorochilov and his wife, 1929.Photo12/UIG via Getty Images)
He was a master of photo manipulation
Pictured: A set of images that show the removal of Nikolai Yezhov, the chief of Soviet secret police, from a photo. Yezhov was once close to Stalin, but then was removed from his post and executed.Newseum/The Commissar Vanishes
He had a degenerative brain condition
"The major atherosclerosis in the brain, which we found at the autopsy, should raise the question of how much this illness – which had clearly been developing over a number of years – affected Stalin's health, his character and his actions…Stalin may have lost his sense of good and bad, healthy and dangerous, permissible and impermissible, friend and enemy. Character traits can become exaggerated, so that a suspicious person becomes paranoid.”
Pictured: Stalin in Red Square in Moscow, 1940. Laski Diffusion/Getty Images
At the end of Lenin’s life, he despised Stalin
Pictured: Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky.Getty Images
He once called for the assassination of John Wayne
According to a John Wayne biographer, Stalin thought that Wayne’s anti-Communist rhetoric posed a threat to the USSR, and thus directed the KGB to kill Wayne.
Pictured: John Wayne, 1956.Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images
Some think that Stalin was assassinated
Over the years, however, some have stated that he could have been killed by interior minister Lavrenty Beria. In memoirs published in 1993, Beria is recorded to have admitted to killing Stalin with poison.
A decade later, historians would report their view that Stalin had somehow ingested rat poison, which would eventually lead to a cerebral hemorrhage.
Pictured: Stalin's funeral, March 1953.Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images

Every consequential figure in history leaves their mark not just in their actions, but in the public fascination that they inspire years after their death: How did this person rise to the top? What compelled them to act in a certain way? Could childhood events have shaped this person's future? Would things have been different if he or she had just done one thing differently?
These questions continue to swirl around the figure of Joseph Stalin, and with good reason. For more than 30 years in the mid-20th century, Stalin wrote pages of Russian history in blood, and when he died in 1953, he left a huge smoking crater in the middle of the century that, in many ways, has yet to fully close.
It might never be known just how many people died under Stalin, but it certainly isn't less than tens of millions. In his day, Stalin ruled the largest land empire of the modern age, built up a state that went from a feudal monarchy to a Space Age superpower, and disposed of anyone he believed would or did stand in his way.
Historians may never truly know how exactly the son of Georgian serfs became one of history's most important leaders, but in the gallery of Joseph Stalin facts above, we can at least begin to trace out some significant steps in his life.
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