Cold War-era victims of Stalin unearthed, chest of Nazi silver found, medieval Virgin Mary statue accidentally uncovered.
Skeletons Of Stalin’s Victims Found At The Site Of The Toughest Prison Run By His Secret Police

IPNThe Soviet prison in Warsaw known as “Toledo” that housed countless enemies of Stalin’s regime.
Both before and during the Cold War, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin’s secret police (known as the NKVD) imprisoned and executed untold enemies of his regime at a network of prisons and gulags notorious for their atrocities. Now, a mass grave with some of those victims has been uncovered in Poland.
Three skeletons of Stalin’s victims were uncovered on the site of a former prison in Warsaw. Now, researchers are hoping to dig deeper and find out more about the horrors that occurred there decades ago.
Learn more here.
Chest Of Stolen Nazi Silver Found Buried At 14th-Century Polish Castle

Nowy Sacz Historical and Exploratory AssociationExperts found 103 silver items in total, ranging from cutlery to goblets.
In June 1941, the Nazis took hold of Nowy Sacz Royal Castle in Poland and turned it into a barracks and ammunition depot. But based on a new discovery, it is clear that more than weapons were stored here.
Researchers have unearthed a literal treasure chest full of silver at the 14th-century fortress. The find comes nearly 80 years to the month after Germany’s occupation there, during which time the surrounding town of 20,000 Polish Jews was transformed into a ghetto.
Dig deeper in this report.
Spanish Fisherman Accidentally Discovers Medieval Virgin Mary Statue

Paco Rodríguez/Voz de Galicia A fisherman came across a 700-year-old religious sculpture of the Virgin Mary and child in the Sar River of Galicia.
In early June, a Spanish fisherman out in search of his daily catch stumbled upon a mossy heap that looked like an ordinary river rock at first.
But a closer look revealed some oddities.
“I noticed the stone was square – which is odd in a river – and then I looked at its lines, at the cape and at the shape of the head,” Fernando Brey told a local newspaper. “And I said to myself: ‘There’s something here.'”
Read on here.