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Meet Bartholomew Roberts, The Most Successful Pirate Of All Time

Meet Bartholomew Roberts, The Most Successful Pirate Of All Time

Bartholomew Roberts may have been history's most polite pirate, but that didn't stop him from being the ultimate swashbuckling sailor of the high seas.
This Man Attempted The World’s First Motorcycle Parachute Jump And It Didn’t Go Well [VIDEO]

This Man Attempted The World’s First Motorcycle Parachute Jump And It Didn’t Go Well [VIDEO]

He revved up to about 60 miles per hour and tried to deploy the chute once he passed over the ramp.
How Hitler Took Inspiration From Native American Extermination To Forge His Final Solution

How Hitler Took Inspiration From Native American Extermination To Forge His Final Solution

Many social scientists and historians point to Social Darwinism as a foundation for Hitler’s bigotry.
Meet Big Nose George, The Wild West Outlaw Who Was Killed And Turned Into Shoes

Meet Big Nose George, The Wild West Outlaw Who Was Killed And Turned Into Shoes

First, Big Nose George was hanged. Then things got much worse.
How Mayor Stubbs The Cat Held One Alaskan Town’s Highest Office For 20 Years

How Mayor Stubbs The Cat Held One Alaskan Town’s Highest Office For 20 Years

For two decades, Mayor Stubbs the cat officially held the highest office in one small town in Alaska. This is his one-of-a-kind story.
How ‘Mad Bomber’ George Metesky Held New York City Hostage

How ‘Mad Bomber’ George Metesky Held New York City Hostage

"Mad Bomber" George Metesky may come off like a comic book supervillain, but his mid-century reign of terror was all too real.
Meet Catalina De Erauso, The Cross-Dressing Warrior Nun Of 17th-Century Spain

Meet Catalina De Erauso, The Cross-Dressing Warrior Nun Of 17th-Century Spain

Whether it was "killer," "lover," "con artist," or adventurer, Catalina de Erauso was called many things. This is her story.