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The Buzz On Sam Droege’s Macro Bee Photography

The Buzz On Sam Droege’s Macro Bee Photography

Despite their slight size, bees are an integral part of the world's agriculture. This macro bee photography provides us with a better understanding of them.
These Creepy Masks Prove Just How Odd Humanity Is

These Creepy Masks Prove Just How Odd Humanity Is

In 18th century England, the best way to keep your wife from talking was by putting studded metal in her mouth. These creepy masks are worth a read.
6 Of The Most Amazing Pools In The World

6 Of The Most Amazing Pools In The World

Don't look at this list of amazing pools if you are lacking vacation days.
Carl Jara Uses Sand In Ways You’ve Never Seen Before

Carl Jara Uses Sand In Ways You’ve Never Seen Before

Using sand to bring his visions to the material world, Carl Jara puts your average sandcastle to shame.
Charles Jencks Intricate And Astounding Landscape Art

Charles Jencks Intricate And Astounding Landscape Art

Charles Jencks' exquisite landscape art serves as a reminder that nature can be as transformable as manmade structures.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Nikola Tesla

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Nikola Tesla

Truly the epitome of a mad scientist, Nikola Tesla's scientific brilliance is matched by his equally notable eccentricities.
9 Of The World’s Coolest Offices

9 Of The World’s Coolest Offices

Office life doesn't have to feel so confining. The coolest offices featured on this list are a testament to that.
The Animal Kingdom’s Most Fascinatingly Bizarre Color Mutations

The Animal Kingdom’s Most Fascinatingly Bizarre Color Mutations

Nature is filled with beauty, especially when it's on accident. Such is the case with color mutation in animals.
6 Interesting Religions You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

6 Interesting Religions You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Christianity, Judaism, Islam. We get it already. Here are six interesting religions to reignite your interest in spirituality.
Desert Breath – Sand Art On A Grand Scale

Desert Breath – Sand Art On A Grand Scale

Located deep within the Sahara desert is Desert Breath, an art installation so surreal you'll think aliens made it.
Iceland’s Breathtaking Volcanic Rivers

Iceland’s Breathtaking Volcanic Rivers

What happens when glaciers and volcanoes convene? These stunning volcanic rivers.