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The Lavender Scare: The U.S. Government’s Anti-Gay Purge

The Lavender Scare: The U.S. Government’s Anti-Gay Purge

The U.S. government terrorized, outed, and fired at least 5,000 people suspected of being homosexuals during the Lavender Scare from 1947-1961.
How Grand Central Terminal’s Whispering Gallery Allows You To Hear Soft Words 30 Feet Away

How Grand Central Terminal’s Whispering Gallery Allows You To Hear Soft Words 30 Feet Away

Explaining the unusual architectural phenomenon of the whispering gallery that carries even the quietest words across dozens of feet amid swells of croud noise.
Having Sex With <em>Westworld</em>-type Robots May Not Be Good For Your Health, Says Study

Having Sex With Westworld-type Robots May Not Be Good For Your Health, Says Study

“The medical profession needs to be prepared for inevitable questions about the impact of sex robots on health.”
Bestiality Witness Demonstrates What He Saw Using Stuffed Basset Hound [VIDEO]

Bestiality Witness Demonstrates What He Saw Using Stuffed Basset Hound [VIDEO]

Michigan State University employee Joseph Hattey could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted of these "crimes against nature."
People Most Convinced They’re Always Right About Politics Overrate Their Knowledge The Most

People Most Convinced They’re Always Right About Politics Overrate Their Knowledge The Most

New research shows that the more certain you are that your political viewpoints are better than everyone else's, the more likely you are to overestimate your knowledge about the issues and avoid new information that could change your mind.
The Incredible True Story Of Charles Van Doren And The Quiz Show Scandals

The Incredible True Story Of Charles Van Doren And The Quiz Show Scandals

The producers of Twenty-One saw Charles Van Doren's handsomeness and polite demeanor as a way to boost their ratings.
Lee Morgan Was One Of Jazz’s Biggest Stars — Until His Wife Shot Him In The Middle Of A Show

Lee Morgan Was One Of Jazz’s Biggest Stars — Until His Wife Shot Him In The Middle Of A Show

Lee Morgan's wife saved his jazz career and his life. And then she ended it.
Boxer Manny Pacquiao Built 1,000 Homes For The Poor In His Home Country

Boxer Manny Pacquiao Built 1,000 Homes For The Poor In His Home Country

Pacquiao earned more than $100 million for his highly-anticipated 2015 "Fight of the Century" against Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Congressional Candidate Nathan Larson Proudly Admits To Being A Pedophile And Raping His Wife

Congressional Candidate Nathan Larson Proudly Admits To Being A Pedophile And Raping His Wife

When it was uncovered that congressional candidate Nathan Larson condones pedophilia, rape, and more, he admitted to everything without hesitation.
Alan Berg Spoke His Mind On Talk Radio — And Was Killed By White Supremacists For It

Alan Berg Spoke His Mind On Talk Radio — And Was Killed By White Supremacists For It

Alan Berg made enemies with the Aryan Nation and the Christian Identity movement, who believed Jews descended from Satan.
Christian Group Tells Employees To Abstain From Sex Outside Marriage Or Resign

Christian Group Tells Employees To Abstain From Sex Outside Marriage Or Resign

Up to nine employees have already quit over the new requirements, with some doing so out of protest or on principle.