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Extraterrestrial Mineral Harder Than Diamond Discovered In Israel

Extraterrestrial Mineral Harder Than Diamond Discovered In Israel

Prior to this discovery, the sapphire-like gemstone was known only to exist in outer space.
Endangered Baby Whale Put Down After It Was Found Beached With A Plastic Bag In Its Throat

Endangered Baby Whale Put Down After It Was Found Beached With A Plastic Bag In Its Throat

"What we put in the water can end up in the mouth of a whale."
Would-Be Mugger Destroyed By Female MMA Fighter Polyana Viana In Attempted Robbery

Would-Be Mugger Destroyed By Female MMA Fighter Polyana Viana In Attempted Robbery

"I said I was going to call the police. He said, 'Call the police, then' because he was scared I was going to beat him up more."
Social Worker Who Wore Duct-Taped Shoes Donates Nearly $11 Million To Charity Upon Death

Social Worker Who Wore Duct-Taped Shoes Donates Nearly $11 Million To Charity Upon Death

"My gift is going to be bigger than their annual budget. It's going to blow them away."
People-Like Plants, Franken-Worms, And Alien Sea Creatures: The Most Fascinating Science News From 2018

People-Like Plants, Franken-Worms, And Alien Sea Creatures: The Most Fascinating Science News From 2018

If this year's science news is any indication of next year's, then bring on 2019.
Insane, Unsound, And Just Plain Stupid: The 2018 Darwin Awards

Insane, Unsound, And Just Plain Stupid: The 2018 Darwin Awards

These stars of stupidity were either killed or narrowly escaped death at the hands of their own bad decisions. Now we honor them for — nearly — selecting themselves out of the gene pool.
Bad Excuses, Drunken Brawls, And Crocodile Tears: The Best Of Florida Man In 2018

Bad Excuses, Drunken Brawls, And Crocodile Tears: The Best Of Florida Man In 2018

From the criminal foiled by his own pants to the man who tried to barbecue child molesters, these are some of the most outlandish Florida man stories that you'll ever read.
Woman’s Three-Year ‘Pregnancy’ Was Actually A 57-Pound Cyst

Woman’s Three-Year ‘Pregnancy’ Was Actually A 57-Pound Cyst

"Looking at me, anyone would have assumed I was nine months pregnant."
Helicopter Spider Mom Nurses Her Babies With Milk Four Times Richer Than Cow’s Milk

Helicopter Spider Mom Nurses Her Babies With Milk Four Times Richer Than Cow’s Milk

Toxeus magnus will nurse her spiderlings well into their "teens" with a protein-rich milk-like substance secreted from her birth canal.
Cambodian Genocide Officially Recognized As Two Perpetrators Receive Life Imprisonment

Cambodian Genocide Officially Recognized As Two Perpetrators Receive Life Imprisonment

"It may be finished, but I won't ever have peace."
The Robbers Cave Experiment: The Psychological Study Of Unsupervised Boys That Inspired <em>Lord Of The Flies</em>

The Robbers Cave Experiment: The Psychological Study Of Unsupervised Boys That Inspired Lord Of The Flies

In an effort to test one of his theories on social behavior, psychologist Muzafer Sherif released 22 twelve-year-old boys into a sparsely supervised wilderness camp — and then covertly provoked them to fight each other.