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Miami’s Aggressive Peacocks To Be Relocated After Residents Complain

Miami’s Aggressive Peacocks To Be Relocated After Residents Complain

The infamous peacocks of Miami's Coconut Grove neighborhood are known to squawk into the night, scratch up the sides of residents' cars, and leave piles of poop everywhere.
How Charles Lindbergh Wrecked His Legacy Pushing Anti-Semitism And Neutrality Toward The Nazis

How Charles Lindbergh Wrecked His Legacy Pushing Anti-Semitism And Neutrality Toward The Nazis

Charles Lindbergh was a hero for his feats of aviation but ultimately lost that goodwill once he started pushing bigoted conspiracies to keep America from fighting Hitler.
Operation Jade Helm: The Conspiracy Theory That Presaged Our Post-Truth World

Operation Jade Helm: The Conspiracy Theory That Presaged Our Post-Truth World

In the summer of 2015, a routine U.S. military exercise called Jade Helm 15 led to mass hysteria over an imminent invasion of Texas. Now, we might know why — and the reason is frightening.
Halfway Into His Solo Antarctic Trek, Colin O’Brady Pooed Himself — In His Only Pair Of Underwear

Halfway Into His Solo Antarctic Trek, Colin O’Brady Pooed Himself — In His Only Pair Of Underwear

To make it through the 54-day solo trip, Colin O'Brady had to pack his sled very carefully. He, unfortunately, opted for more food over an extra pair of underwear.
Scientists Create Sex Dolls For Turtles To Study Their Mating Behavior

Scientists Create Sex Dolls For Turtles To Study Their Mating Behavior

A new study probed whether or not male northern map turtles have a preference of larger or smaller female mates. As it turns out, size does matter.
Meet The ‘Reaper Of Death,’ Tyrannosaurus Rex’s Older Cousin That Was Discovered In Canada

Meet The ‘Reaper Of Death,’ Tyrannosaurus Rex’s Older Cousin That Was Discovered In Canada

Thanatotheristes degrootorum, "Reaper of Death" in Greek, is a tyrannosaur that lived about 79 million years ago, which pushes the tyrannosaur family's history back by about 10 million years.
Cherokee Nation Will Be First U.S. Tribe To Donate Historic Seed Samples To “Doomsday” Vault

Cherokee Nation Will Be First U.S. Tribe To Donate Historic Seed Samples To “Doomsday” Vault

The historic deposit will take place at the end of February and will make the Cherokee Nation the first U.S. tribe to deposit its heirloom seeds in the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, Norway.
Archaeologists Stand Trial For Forging Earliest Portrayal Of Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion

Archaeologists Stand Trial For Forging Earliest Portrayal Of Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion

Three Spanish archaeologists face serious prison time after a government-sponsored commission found that at least 476 artifacts they "discovered" were "manipulated or outright fakes."
50 Behind-The-Scenes Photos That’ll Change The Way You Look At Famous Movies

50 Behind-The-Scenes Photos That’ll Change The Way You Look At Famous Movies

From Jaws to Psycho, movie sets can be exhausting, tragic, and beautiful all at once — and these photos prove it.
Anti-Vaxxers Encourage Mom To Treat Her Child’s Flu With Peppermint Oil And Breastmilk. He Died Soon After.

Anti-Vaxxers Encourage Mom To Treat Her Child’s Flu With Peppermint Oil And Breastmilk. He Died Soon After.

"My 4year-old had a febrile seizure at only temp of 102. The doc prescribed tamaflu I did not pick it up."
The Sluggish Life Of An Olm, A Blind Salamander That Can Remain Motionless For Years

The Sluggish Life Of An Olm, A Blind Salamander That Can Remain Motionless For Years

The olm can live to be 100 and often goes years without food, sex, or even moving. One was recently observed doing absolutely nothing for 2, 569 days straight.