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Man Caught Stabbing Woman’s Buttocks With Syringe Believed To Be Filled With Semen

Man Caught Stabbing Woman’s Buttocks With Syringe Believed To Be Filled With Semen

While the victim has been put on preventative medications for 30 days, the perpetrator's blood has yet to be tested.
Two New Ancient Species Of Cockroach Found Trapped In Amber In Myanmar Cave

Two New Ancient Species Of Cockroach Found Trapped In Amber In Myanmar Cave

These 99 million-year-old discoveries represent "the only known dinosaur age cave survivors."
Congress Passes Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act To Finally Make It A Federal Crime

Congress Passes Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act To Finally Make It A Federal Crime

"You only need to look at the events in Charlottesville to be reminded that not too long ago rallies such as those resulted in the lynching of innocent African Americans."
Angry Florida Woman Zips Boyfriend Into Suitcase Then Taunts Him As He Suffocates To Death

Angry Florida Woman Zips Boyfriend Into Suitcase Then Taunts Him As He Suffocates To Death

Sarah Boone claimed it was all an accident — but a horrifying video on her phone proved otherwise.
Baboon On The Way To Vasectomy Breaks Free And Brings Two Females With Him

Baboon On The Way To Vasectomy Breaks Free And Brings Two Females With Him

The 15-year-old Australian baboon was accompanied by two female baboons in order to keep him "calm" before his surgery.
15th-Century Etiquette Book Tells Kids Not To Be Greedy With The Cheese Or Pick Their Nose

15th-Century Etiquette Book Tells Kids Not To Be Greedy With The Cheese Or Pick Their Nose

The British Library's new project of digitizing children's books has led to the discovery of a 1480 text that reveals what was unacceptable for kids back then. Turns out, these rules hold true today.
Juror Who Helped Convict Crime Boss ‘Whitey’ Bulger Feels Guilty After Learning He Was In MKUltra

Juror Who Helped Convict Crime Boss ‘Whitey’ Bulger Feels Guilty After Learning He Was In MKUltra

Bulger wrote to a juror who convicted him that he would be dosed with LSD, monitored by a physician, and repeatedly asked leading questions like: "Would you ever kill anyone?"
Gallon-Sized Jars Of Human Remains Including Infant And Tongues Discovered In Florida Crawlspace

Gallon-Sized Jars Of Human Remains Including Infant And Tongues Discovered In Florida Crawlspace

While stumbling upon gallon-sized jars of human remains on a routine inspection sounds horrifying, the true story is...less so.
29 Facts About Muhammad Ali That Reveal The Truth About ‘The Greatest’

29 Facts About Muhammad Ali That Reveal The Truth About ‘The Greatest’

Born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. on Jan. 17, 1942, Muhammad Ali became a heavyweight boxing champion who changed history forever — both inside and outside of the ring.
Florida Snake Orgy Forces Local Government To Close Off Park Area

Florida Snake Orgy Forces Local Government To Close Off Park Area

While the Florida water snakes that led to this parkland area's closure are non-venomous, some said they saw deadly water moccasins slithering about.
Rare Giant Squid And Glow-In-The-Dark Sharks Found Near Sunken Continent Of Zealandia

Rare Giant Squid And Glow-In-The-Dark Sharks Found Near Sunken Continent Of Zealandia

"It's only the second [giant squid] I've ever seen. I've been on about 40 trips on Tangaroa, and most surveys are about a month, and I've only ever seen two. That's pretty rare."