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Northern Fur Seals Are Thriving On An Active Volcanic Island In Alaska

Northern Fur Seals Are Thriving On An Active Volcanic Island In Alaska

More than 36,000 pups are expected to be born on Bogoslof Island this year.
Cold War-Era Uranium Mining Continuing To Cause Cancer In Navajo Women And Newborns

Cold War-Era Uranium Mining Continuing To Cause Cancer In Navajo Women And Newborns

"The government is so unjust with us... The government doesn't recognize that we built their freedom."
Scientists Implant Fake Memories Into Birds To Teach Them New Songs À La ‘Inception’

Scientists Implant Fake Memories Into Birds To Teach Them New Songs À La ‘Inception’

Zebra finches typically learn to sing a song from their parents through imitation, but a new study shows they can learn a song without ever hearing it.
Bone-Thin Grizzly Bears Starve As Climate Change And Farming Decimate Salmon Population

Bone-Thin Grizzly Bears Starve As Climate Change And Farming Decimate Salmon Population

"We haven't been really noticing any salmon up here. So we've been noticing that [the bears] have been getting skinnier and skinnier and getting more aggressive.”
This Ancient Shark That Lived 360 Million Years Ago Looked Like An Eel

This Ancient Shark That Lived 360 Million Years Ago Looked Like An Eel

A group of paleontologists discovered the rare fossils of the ancient Phoebodus shark in Morocco.
Listen To What A Seismic Quake On Mars Sounds Like

Listen To What A Seismic Quake On Mars Sounds Like

NASA's InSight lander has picked up seismic activity on Mars for the first time ever, recording more than 20 "marsquakes" since April.
Turtles And Other Marine Life Are Dying In A Brazilian Oil Slick And Scientists Can’t Explain It

Turtles And Other Marine Life Are Dying In A Brazilian Oil Slick And Scientists Can’t Explain It

"We've never had an accident like this in Brazil."
Hotpot Pursuit: Chinese Police Arrest Fugitive After Finding His Apartment Through Scent Of His Dinner

Hotpot Pursuit: Chinese Police Arrest Fugitive After Finding His Apartment Through Scent Of His Dinner

When facial recognition failed to track down a fugitive, Chinese police relied on a more primitive instinct: smell.
Ernst Kaltenbrunner: The Highest-Ranking Nazi To Face Justice At Nuremberg

Ernst Kaltenbrunner: The Highest-Ranking Nazi To Face Justice At Nuremberg

Ernst Kaltenbrunner was instrumental in executing the Holocaust and so fanatical that he was even feared by other Nazis. So why haven't most people heard of him?
Be One Of The First In History To Witness A Supermassive Black Hole Destroy A Star

Be One Of The First In History To Witness A Supermassive Black Hole Destroy A Star

Events like this are not only incredibly rare but difficult to capture. NASA managed it with a state-of-the-art satellite and a network of robotic telescopes.
Special Tribunal Finds Evidence China Is Killing Religious And Ethnic Minorities — And Harvesting Their Organs

Special Tribunal Finds Evidence China Is Killing Religious And Ethnic Minorities — And Harvesting Their Organs

The tribunal reporting to the United Nations found evidence of forced organ harvesting of prisoners from the banned Falun Gong religion and the Uighur Muslim minority, among others.