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What Happened When I Became New York’s Famous Pigeon Lady

What Happened When I Became New York’s Famous Pigeon Lady

Here's why she prefers the company of birds and rats to people.
4 Little-Known Slave Rebellions That Paved The Way For The Civil War And Abolition

4 Little-Known Slave Rebellions That Paved The Way For The Civil War And Abolition

From razing New York City to torching Louisiana plantations, these slave rebellions paved the way for the Civil War, and the eventual abolition of slavery.
Nine Of The World’s Most Dangerous Roads

Nine Of The World’s Most Dangerous Roads

From the cliffs of New Zealand to the ice sheets of Alaska, take a terrifying look at the world's nine most dangerous roads.
The Breathtaking Wildlife Photography Of Will Burrard-Lucas

The Breathtaking Wildlife Photography Of Will Burrard-Lucas

This incredible collection of wildlife photography will transport you to the gorgeous plains of Africa, and bring you face to face with countless creatures.
The Mouthwatering History Behind Your Favorite Italian Foods

The Mouthwatering History Behind Your Favorite Italian Foods

Sometimes, the most delicious meals are made with almost no budget and very few ingredients, as this history of Italian food shows.
What You Need To Know About The Zika Virus

What You Need To Know About The Zika Virus

The rapidly spreading mosquito-borne virus has been linked to brain damage and birth defects in babies. Here's what you need to know about the Zika virus.
Everything We Know About The San Bernardino Shootings So Far

Everything We Know About The San Bernardino Shootings So Far

The deadliest massacre since Sandy Hook has left 14 dead and 17 injured. Here's what you need to know about it.
The 21 Most Inspirational Bill Nye Quotes

The 21 Most Inspirational Bill Nye Quotes

Bill Nye has been one of the most notable advocates of science in popular culture for nearly three decades.
We’re In A Global Helium Shortage — Why Are We Using It For Balloons?

We’re In A Global Helium Shortage — Why Are We Using It For Balloons?

Scientists say the global supply of helium will be gone in 30 years. Should we really be using it for Macy's Thanksgiving Parade balloons?
Why Everyone Should Start Calling ISIS “Daesh” Instead

Why Everyone Should Start Calling ISIS “Daesh” Instead

Global leaders have started to call ISIS "Daesh." Here's why it matters, and why you should start using the term, too.
“Mx.”—A Word That Replaces “Mr.” Or “Mrs.”—Has Been Added To The Dictionary

“Mx.”—A Word That Replaces “Mr.” Or “Mrs.”—Has Been Added To The Dictionary

Mx, a new entry on, reflects evolving understandings of gender and identity in the 21st century