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This Is What A War Crime Looks Like: Life Inside Occupied Palestine

This Is What A War Crime Looks Like: Life Inside Occupied Palestine

We can no longer use words like "conflict" or even "war." What's happening in occupied Palestine is a war crime.
Back To School: 50+ Vintage School Photos Of Your Favorite Celebrities

Back To School: 50+ Vintage School Photos Of Your Favorite Celebrities

School is back in session, so we've rounded up these hilarious celebrity yearbook photos well before their red carpet days.
5 Amazing Citizen Science Projects You Can Join Right Now

5 Amazing Citizen Science Projects You Can Join Right Now

You don't always need a lab or an advanced degree to make contributions to science. As citizen science shows, sometimes you just need Wi-Fi.
Adolf Hitler Had This Photo Of Himself Banned

Adolf Hitler Had This Photo Of Himself Banned

Even génocidaires have standards, apparently.
The Most Interesting Flags Of The World, Explained

The Most Interesting Flags Of The World, Explained

Each national flag has its own particular design, but the reasons why they have been chosen and what they represent are not always immediately obvious.
The Stories Behind America’s Most Beautiful Coastlines

The Stories Behind America’s Most Beautiful Coastlines

People are drawn to water, but we know little about how the land leading us to them was formed.
When Cleveland, Ohio Decided To Launch 1.5 Million Balloons At Once

When Cleveland, Ohio Decided To Launch 1.5 Million Balloons At Once

Surely there's a better way to raise money for charity than this.
Andy Warhol Goes Grocery Shopping

Andy Warhol Goes Grocery Shopping

We've all seen Warhol's famous soup can renderings--but we haven't all seen the pop artist buying the cans.
31 Great Travel Selfies That Prove The Self-Portrait Isn’t Always Obnoxious

31 Great Travel Selfies That Prove The Self-Portrait Isn’t Always Obnoxious

Generally speaking, the selfie is about as interesting as a manila folder. But we don't mind them as much when they're taken in cool locations.
The Story Behind One Of Sports’ Most Famous Photos

The Story Behind One Of Sports’ Most Famous Photos

The image of a weightless Michael Jordan at a 1988 dunk contest is a key fixture in the annals of history. Here's the story behind the legendary photo.
Inside Al Capone’s Luxurious Cell

Inside Al Capone’s Luxurious Cell

In 1929, Al Capone was sentenced to a year in this Philadelphia prison. A life of crime doesn't seem all that bad.