College students open up 1993 time capsule, researchers uncover world's oldest shipwreck, archaeologists find oldest weapons in North America.
College Students Opened Up A 1993 Time Capsule And Found Out Just How Much The World Has Changed

YouTubeThe Shenandoah University time capsule.
Students at Shenandoah University in Virginia were recently treated to a trip back in time with the opening of a time capsule that was left to them by former students in 1993.
The students left the time capsule buried underneath a plaque that instructed the students of 2018 to open what they’d buried, and when they did, the university decided to capture the entire event on video.
As you’d imagine, the opening of the time capsule revealed just how much has changed in the past 25 years.
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2,400-Year-Old Shipwreck Believed To Be The World’s Oldest Was Just Discovered Intact At The Bottom Of The Black Sea

AFP PHOTO/Black Sea MAP/EEF ExpeditionsEnhanced 3D imaging of the remains of the 2,400-year-old shipwreck at the bottom of the Black Sea.
A team of European researchers has found a treasure trove of ancient shipwrecks at the bottom of the Black Sea, and one of them is now believed to be the world’s oldest intact shipwreck.
The 75-foot-long, almost completely preserved shipwreck was discovered 1.2 miles below the surface of the Black Sea. Researchers posit that it has laid there untouched for over 2,400 years.
The ship was discovered by a team of researchers with the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project as a part of their three-year-long mission to survey the floor of the Black Sea and garner information about prehistoric sea level changes.
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Researchers Uncover 15,500-Year-Old Weapons, The Earliest Ever Found In North America

Texas A&M UniversityOne of the new spear points discovered in Texas.
A group of researchers in Texas have just discovered the oldest weapons ever found in North America, and they are causing some archaeologists to question the history of the continent’s earliest settlers.
The weapons are ancient spear points which date back 15,500 years. They are around three to four inches long and were excavated from the Debra L. Friedkin site located about 40 miles outside of Austin, T.X.
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