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Why Some Wounded Civil War Soldiers Actually Glowed In The Dark – And Lived Because Of It

Why Some Wounded Civil War Soldiers Actually Glowed In The Dark – And Lived Because Of It

"Angel's Glow" was a phenomenon of the Civil War in which soldiers' wounds seemed to glow in the dark. It took 139 years to figure out why.
Listen To The Seikilos Epitaph, The World’s Oldest Complete Musical Composition

Listen To The Seikilos Epitaph, The World’s Oldest Complete Musical Composition

Written sometime between 200 B.C. and 100 A.D., the Seikilos epitaph is the oldest complete musical composition in existence — hear it for yourself.
Despite Being A Renowned Mathematician, Kurt Gödel Starved Himself Out Of Paranoia

Despite Being A Renowned Mathematician, Kurt Gödel Starved Himself Out Of Paranoia

Kurt Gödel was one of the 20th century's most brilliant mathematicians. But he was so paranoid he ended up starving to death.
Ambrose Burnside And The Origin Of The Word ‘Sideburns’

Ambrose Burnside And The Origin Of The Word ‘Sideburns’

Ambrose Burnside may have been a Civil War general as well as a governor and U.S. senator, but many today know him best as the man who popularized sideburns.
Experience The Unique Wonders Of China’s Reed Flute Cave

Experience The Unique Wonders Of China’s Reed Flute Cave

Discover why China's Reed Flute Cave first captivated humans more than 1,000 years ago — then vanished from our history for more than a millennium.
Why Alex The Parrot May Have Been The World’s Smartest Bird [VIDEO]

Why Alex The Parrot May Have Been The World’s Smartest Bird [VIDEO]

Over the course of 30 years, Alex the parrot and Irene Pepperberg showed that parrots are even smarter than most people think.
Fierceness And Tragedy: The Tale Of Teuta, The Ancient European Queen Who Challenged Rome

Fierceness And Tragedy: The Tale Of Teuta, The Ancient European Queen Who Challenged Rome

Queen Teuta ruled over a powerful Illyrian kingdom in the third century B.C. When Rome demanded that she stop her country's pirates from attacking their vessels, Teuta refused, resulting in war.
Olympus Mons: The Tallest Mountain In The Solar System

Olympus Mons: The Tallest Mountain In The Solar System

Experience the awesome size of Martian volcano Olympus Mons, the tallest mountain in the solar system, three times the height of Everest.
Poland’s Crooked Forest Is Just What It Sounds Like – And Scientists Can’t Explain It

Poland’s Crooked Forest Is Just What It Sounds Like – And Scientists Can’t Explain It

From bizarre gravity to the devastation of World War II, here are the possible explanations behind the Crooked Forest of Krzywy Las.
This Lake May Seem Like A Natural Beauty, But It’s A Disaster Waiting To Happen

This Lake May Seem Like A Natural Beauty, But It’s A Disaster Waiting To Happen

Lake Abraham might be home to beautiful ice crystals, but they hold a deadly secret.
Experience The Otherworldly Beauty Of China’s Tianzi Mountain

Experience The Otherworldly Beauty Of China’s Tianzi Mountain

The unique peaks of Tianzi Mountain inspired the alien landscapes of "Avatar," and it's easy to see why.