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What’s The Happiest Country In The World? The Answer Might Surprise You

What’s The Happiest Country In The World? The Answer Might Surprise You

Find out the happiest country in the world, not to mention the unhappiest country, and whether or not the world itself is actually happy.
Five Pi Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Five Pi Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

From the man who memorized its first 70,000 digits to the insane true length of the number, these pi facts will make any math fan happy.
Famous Inventors Who Don’t Deserve Credit For Their Most Well-Known Creation

Famous Inventors Who Don’t Deserve Credit For Their Most Well-Known Creation

These famous inventors don't actually deserve credit for the inventions that made them famous. Here's who we should be remembering instead.
27 Rare Glimpses Of North Korea’s Strange Version Of The Internet

27 Rare Glimpses Of North Korea’s Strange Version Of The Internet

North Korean leaders isolate the country from the world in many ways, and controlling the Internet is one of their best methods of all.
This City’s Growth From Desert To Metropolis Makes Las Vegas Look Quaint

This City’s Growth From Desert To Metropolis Makes Las Vegas Look Quaint

This desert has been changed utterly in the last two decades, and it's still going on.
33 Awe-Inspiring Scott Kelly Photos That Will Transport You To Outer Space

33 Awe-Inspiring Scott Kelly Photos That Will Transport You To Outer Space

From auroras streaking through space to surreally beautiful views of Earth from above, these Scott Kelly photos show the wonders of spaceflight.
The True Story Behind Leap Year Proves We’re Just Making Up Time As We Go Along

The True Story Behind Leap Year Proves We’re Just Making Up Time As We Go Along

First up: leap year doesn't actually happen every four years.
23 Retro-Futuristic NASA Posters That Imagine The Next Golden Age Of Space Travel

23 Retro-Futuristic NASA Posters That Imagine The Next Golden Age Of Space Travel

From hot-air balloons on Jupiter to nightlife on a planet with no star, these images are truly out of this world.
See The Giant Tree Lobster And Hear Its Incredible Story

See The Giant Tree Lobster And Hear Its Incredible Story

See photos and hear the unlikely survival tale of the giant tree lobster insect, somehow the most romantic creature ever to terrify humankind.
Famous Acquittals: Six Rich, Powerful People Who Probably Got Away With Rape And Murder

Famous Acquittals: Six Rich, Powerful People Who Probably Got Away With Rape And Murder

All of these men were accused of heinous crimes, but all — thanks in part to their wealth, fame, and power — got away with it. These are some of the most enraging famous acquittals in recent history.
Six Supposed Carcinogens That Are Actually Perfectly Safe

Six Supposed Carcinogens That Are Actually Perfectly Safe

For decades, we've lived in fear of these six supposed carcinogens. But the facts behind these cancer myths reveal why none of them will actually harm us, and how these crazy claims first got started.