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Celebrate Back To The Future Day With These Astounding Behind-The-Scenes Photos

Celebrate Back To The Future Day With These Astounding Behind-The-Scenes Photos

As incredible as Back to the Future made time travel look, the way the filmmakers created that vision behind the scenes is even cooler.
Astounding Titanic Facts You’ve Never Heard Before

Astounding Titanic Facts You’ve Never Heard Before

These little-known Titanic facts are sure to surprise you--and give you the chills.
Never-Before-Seen Photo Of Billy The Kid Could Be Worth $5 Million

Never-Before-Seen Photo Of Billy The Kid Could Be Worth $5 Million

This newly authenticated photograph of Wild West outlaw Billy the Kid, bought for $2 at an antique shop, could be worth around $5 million.
What We Love This Week, Volume CXLIV

What We Love This Week, Volume CXLIV

Plus: the world's most dangerous walkway has reopened, creepy vintage dolls to haunt your dreams, the year's best wildlife photography, and more.
25 Ancient Maps That Make Modern Ones Look Very Boring

25 Ancient Maps That Make Modern Ones Look Very Boring

These ancient maps, whether etched into brass or drawn onto deerskin, present a vivid, beautiful worldview that modern maps can't provide.
What We Love This Week, Volume CXLIII

What We Love This Week, Volume CXLIII

Plus the best of autumn around the world, the faces of New York's roughest neighborhood, the globe's most terrifying skywalks, and more.
What We Love This Week, Volume CXLII

What We Love This Week, Volume CXLII

Plus: The abandoned side of Paris you've never seen, the strange ways of the Deep South, the haunting Chinese village reclaimed by nature.
Your World This Week, Volume XIII

Your World This Week, Volume XIII

Google's self-driving car and XEROX's self-destructing chip may both soon be here, plus the rest of this week's top tech news.
What We Love This Week, Volume CXXXIX

What We Love This Week, Volume CXXXIX

The just discovered species that changes the story of evolution, plus unbelievable photos of Japan's devastating flood and Iceland's stunning volcanoes.
Your World This Week, Volume XII

Your World This Week, Volume XII

Yes, literally 100% effective, plus Obamacare's new provisions for transgender people, and the rest of this week's top health/medicine news.
How North Korean Propaganda Depicts, And Distorts, America

How North Korean Propaganda Depicts, And Distorts, America

North Korean propaganda: outlandish glimpses at what one of the most dangerous countries on earth thinks about us--and claims to have in store for us.