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Meet Bobby Sands, The Irish Nationalist Who Died During A Hunger Strike

Meet Bobby Sands, The Irish Nationalist Who Died During A Hunger Strike

Bobby Sands was a member of the Irish Republican Army and spent the last 66 days of his life on hunger strike in HM Prison Maze fighting for political prisoner status.
The Story Of The Guangxi Massacre, When Mao Zedong’s Red Guard ‘Banqueted’ On Human Meat

The Story Of The Guangxi Massacre, When Mao Zedong’s Red Guard ‘Banqueted’ On Human Meat

At one of the darkest points of the Cultural Revolution, political strife devolved into extreme brutality in China’s southern region of Guangxi, where hundreds were cannibalized.
Anna Politkovskaya Spoke Out Against Putin’s Atrocities In Chechnya – Then She Was Assassinated

Anna Politkovskaya Spoke Out Against Putin’s Atrocities In Chechnya – Then She Was Assassinated

On October 7, 2006, Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya was shot dead in her Moscow apartment building after having spent years criticizing Vladimir Putin and the Second Chechen War.
The Story Of Christine Keeler, The Showgirl Whose Affair With A Politician Shook Up Mid-Century Britain

The Story Of Christine Keeler, The Showgirl Whose Affair With A Politician Shook Up Mid-Century Britain

In 1963, a British dancer named Christine Keeler found herself at the heart of a national debacle known as the Profumo Scandal that nearly destroyed her life.
Isaac Sprague Found Sideshow Fame As The ‘Living Skeleton’ — But His Offstage Story Was Tragic

Isaac Sprague Found Sideshow Fame As The ‘Living Skeleton’ — But His Offstage Story Was Tragic

After Isaac W. Sprague developed a mysterious condition that caused his weight to drop to skeletal levels, he endured a life of exploitation in P.T. Barnum’s museum of human curiosities.
George And Willie Muse, The Black Brothers Who Were Kidnapped By The Circus And Billed As ‘Martians’

George And Willie Muse, The Black Brothers Who Were Kidnapped By The Circus And Billed As ‘Martians’

Born with a rare form of albinism in the Jim Crow South, George and Willie Muse were spotted by a showman and forced into a life of exploitation.
How A 200 Pound Order Of Meat And A Nosy Upstate Cop Nearly Vanquished The American Mob

How A 200 Pound Order Of Meat And A Nosy Upstate Cop Nearly Vanquished The American Mob

The 1957 Apalachin meeting held in upstate New York was meant to solidify and streamline underground operations. Instead, it was raided by police and brought the Mafia down.
How Gretl Braun Became Adolf Hitler’s Favorite Sister-In-Law

How Gretl Braun Became Adolf Hitler’s Favorite Sister-In-Law

The younger sister of Eva Braun, Gretl Braun was one of Adolf Hitler's closest friends from his rise to power until the bloody end of the Third Reich.
Elyesa Bazna, The Valet Who Became The Most Dangerous Nazi Spy Of World War II

Elyesa Bazna, The Valet Who Became The Most Dangerous Nazi Spy Of World War II

From 1943 to 1944, Elyesa Bazna worked as a valet for the British ambassador to Turkey. But behind the scenes, he photographed secret documents and gave them to the Nazis.
The Heroic Yet Tragic Life Of Patrice Lumumba, The Martyr Of Congolese Independence

The Heroic Yet Tragic Life Of Patrice Lumumba, The Martyr Of Congolese Independence

In June 1960, Patrice Émery Lumumba was elected the first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Just months later, he was murdered.
Palmares, The Lost Kingdom Of Runaway Slaves In The Brazilian Amazon

Palmares, The Lost Kingdom Of Runaway Slaves In The Brazilian Amazon

For nearly a century until 1694, thousands of enslaved Africans escaped from Portuguese plantations to the rebel kingdom of Palmares, where fugitives ruled.