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This Remote Island Is Now The Fourth-Largest Marine Wildlife Sanctuary On Earth

This Remote Island Is Now The Fourth-Largest Marine Wildlife Sanctuary On Earth

“This small community is responsible for one of the biggest conservation achievements of 2020."  
The FBI Just Caught A Fugitive Killer 49 Years After He Escaped Prison As A Teen

The FBI Just Caught A Fugitive Killer 49 Years After He Escaped Prison As A Teen

Leonard Rayne Moses was found after the FBI's new identification technology matched his fingerprints following a local arrest in Michigan.
Donated Heart Successfully Transplanted After Being Rescued From Helicopter Crash

Donated Heart Successfully Transplanted After Being Rescued From Helicopter Crash

After the heart was rescued from the helicopter, the doctor carrying it tripped and dropped it on the ground.
Three Virginia Fishermen Just Caught A Massive Deep-Sea ‘Moonfish’

Three Virginia Fishermen Just Caught A Massive Deep-Sea ‘Moonfish’

The giant opah, also known as a "moonfish," was reeled in about 80 miles off the Virginia Beach coast.
Meet Unsinkable Sam, The Legendary Cat Who Survived Three World War II Shipwrecks

Meet Unsinkable Sam, The Legendary Cat Who Survived Three World War II Shipwrecks

According to lore, Unsinkable Sam started his "career" aboard a Nazi battleship. But after that ship was torpedoed, he was rescued by the British and changed sides.
Japanese Town Deploys ‘Monster Wolf’ Robots To Scare Away Bears — And It Works

Japanese Town Deploys ‘Monster Wolf’ Robots To Scare Away Bears — And It Works

The machines are motion-activated and have LED strobe lights in their eyes.
The Real History Of The First Thanksgiving That You Didn’t Learn In School

The Real History Of The First Thanksgiving That You Didn’t Learn In School

Many Americans are taught that the Pilgrims and Indians gathered for a historic feast at Plymouth in 1621, but the true story of the first Thanksgiving is far more complicated.
Inside Timgad, The Roman Ruins That Were Buried In Algeria’s Desert For 1,000 Years

Inside Timgad, The Roman Ruins That Were Buried In Algeria’s Desert For 1,000 Years

The city of Timgad was built by Emperor Trajan in 100 A.D. Though it was sacked by Berber tribes shortly after Rome fell, its ruins still stand in Northern Africa today.
This Bizarre ‘Snake’ Found In Virginia Is Actually A Giant Hammerhead Worm

This Bizarre ‘Snake’ Found In Virginia Is Actually A Giant Hammerhead Worm

These giant worms originate in Southeast Asia and some species can grow to be two feet long.
Carrier Pigeon’s Secret WW1 Message Uncovered A Century Later In French Field

Carrier Pigeon’s Secret WW1 Message Uncovered A Century Later In French Field

The carrier capsule contained a note handwritten by a Prussian soldier.
How The Dyckman Farmhouse Has Stood For 235 Years While New York City Grew Up Around It

How The Dyckman Farmhouse Has Stood For 235 Years While New York City Grew Up Around It

William Dyckman built the Dyckman house in 1785 after his family's prior home was destroyed in the Revolutionary War — and it still stands as Manhattan's last farmhouse today.