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Mister Rogers Thought Farts Were Hilarious — And Often ‘Ripped One’ To Amuse His Wife

Mister Rogers Thought Farts Were Hilarious — And Often ‘Ripped One’ To Amuse His Wife

"He would just raise one cheek and he would look at me and smile," Joanne said, laughing at the thought of her esteemed husband passing gas in public.
Lovers Who Were Separated After Surviving Auschwitz Miraculously Reunited 72 Years Later In New York City

Lovers Who Were Separated After Surviving Auschwitz Miraculously Reunited 72 Years Later In New York City

David Wisnia and Helen Tichaur offered comfort and solace to one another amidst the horrors of Auschwitz but were forced apart by the nazis. It took 72 years, but the two lovers were finally reunited.
Spain Police Catch First-Known Trans-Atlantic ‘Narcosub’ Smuggling $100 Million Worth Of Cocaine

Spain Police Catch First-Known Trans-Atlantic ‘Narcosub’ Smuggling $100 Million Worth Of Cocaine

The 72-foot vessel was carrying three metric tons of cocaine.
The 10 Most Controversial On-Screen Portrayals Of Adolf Hitler

The 10 Most Controversial On-Screen Portrayals Of Adolf Hitler

From actors who did extensive research to those who chose not to portray the Führer accurately at all, these Hitler movies reveal wildly different takes on modern history's greatest villain.
An Electric Eel Named Wattson Is Powering A Christmas Display And His Own Twitter Account

An Electric Eel Named Wattson Is Powering A Christmas Display And His Own Twitter Account

The tree flickers brightest when Wattson is being fed.
This San Francisco Neighborhood Has So Much Human Feces That It Needs Weekly Power-Washes

This San Francisco Neighborhood Has So Much Human Feces That It Needs Weekly Power-Washes

"It's really bad. You can't go about two steps without stepping on something," one resident said.
Archaeologists Discover 56-Foot-Long Viking Ship Buried Under Norwegian Farm

Archaeologists Discover 56-Foot-Long Viking Ship Buried Under Norwegian Farm

They chose to scan the spot where it was found on a lark. "It turned out to be a good decision."
11 Of History’s Most Unmerciful Revenge Stories

11 Of History’s Most Unmerciful Revenge Stories

From the rape victims who castrated their rapist in court to the US soldiers who summarily executed the Nazi concentration camp guards at Dachau, these are some of history's greatest revenge stories.
Queen Elizabeth I’s Sloppy Handwriting Gave Her Away As The Unknown Translator Of A Roman Text

Queen Elizabeth I’s Sloppy Handwriting Gave Her Away As The Unknown Translator Of A Roman Text

"The higher you are in the social hierarchy of Tudor England, the messier you can let your handwriting become. For the queen, comprehension is somebody else’s problem."
Toxic Foam Washes Up On Indian Beach — And People Keep Taking Selfies In It

Toxic Foam Washes Up On Indian Beach — And People Keep Taking Selfies In It

"It is definitely not good for people to go into the foam, but they just do not understand the risks."
Amazon Removes Christmas Products Featuring Images Of Auschwitz After Online Blowback

Amazon Removes Christmas Products Featuring Images Of Auschwitz After Online Blowback

Several products including images of Auschwitz were taken down by Amazon after the items were called out by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum.