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Can Marie Antoinette Syndrome Really Turn Your Hair White From Fright?

Can Marie Antoinette Syndrome Really Turn Your Hair White From Fright?

Also known as Canities subita, Marie Antoinette Syndrome is the name for a mysterious condition said to suddenly turn all of your hair white due to fear or stress — but the scientific jury is still out on whether or not it’s real.
The Strange Tale Of Princess Caraboo And The Outrageous Hoax She Pulled Off In 19th-Century England

The Strange Tale Of Princess Caraboo And The Outrageous Hoax She Pulled Off In 19th-Century England

"Princess Caraboo" was actually Mary Baker Willcocks, an English cobbler's daughter who fooled an entire town near Bristol, England into believing she was royalty from the Pacific island of "Javasu."
Inside The Pullman Strike, The Historic Railroad Boycott That Led To Labor Day

Inside The Pullman Strike, The Historic Railroad Boycott That Led To Labor Day

The Pullman Strike of 1894 saw more than 250,000 railroad workers walk off the job and halt the U.S. economy for months — until federal troops were called in.
The True Story Behind ‘Raising The Flag On Iwo Jima’

The True Story Behind ‘Raising The Flag On Iwo Jima’

Joe Rosenthal's "Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima" captured one of World War II's most iconic moments, but the real story behind the photo would remain little-known for decades.
The Controversial Legacy Of Hannah Duston, The Colonist Who Killed 10 Native Americans

The Controversial Legacy Of Hannah Duston, The Colonist Who Killed 10 Native Americans

After being kidnapped by Native Americans in 1697, Hannah Duston brutally killed her captors with a tomahawk — including six children.
Meet Babe Didrikson, The ‘Texas Tornado’ Who Took The Sports World By Storm

Meet Babe Didrikson, The ‘Texas Tornado’ Who Took The Sports World By Storm

Babe Didrikson won medals at the Olympics, dominated professional golf, and excelled at track and field, basketball, tennis, baseball, cycling, swimming, and boxing.
The Story Of Adolf Hitler’s Death — And The Calamitous Days That Preceded It

The Story Of Adolf Hitler’s Death — And The Calamitous Days That Preceded It

On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler and his new bride Eva Braun swallowed cyanide capsules in his Berlin bunker. Then, the Nazi dictator shot himself to ensure his death.
The Inspiring Story Of Joe Medicine Crow, The Plains War Chief Who Fought The Nazis During World War II

The Inspiring Story Of Joe Medicine Crow, The Plains War Chief Who Fought The Nazis During World War II

Born in 1913 on the Crow Reservation in Montana, Joseph Medicine Crow was raised in the warrior tradition of his people — which he put to good use while serving in France and Germany.
The Shocking Story Of George Washington’s Death, From Bloodletting To Beetles

The Shocking Story Of George Washington’s Death, From Bloodletting To Beetles

Just before George Washington died at Mount Vernon on December 14, 1799, doctors only made things worse by draining 40 percent of his blood.
Inside The Battle of Hayes Pond, When 500 Native Americans Chased The Ku Klux Klan Out Of North Carolina

Inside The Battle of Hayes Pond, When 500 Native Americans Chased The Ku Klux Klan Out Of North Carolina

In 1958, the KKK tried to intimidate the Lumbee tribe in Maxton, North Carolina, but they fought back at the Battle of Hayes Pond — and drove the Klan out of town.
The Story Of The Edmund Pettus Bridge, The Civil Rights Landmark That Bears The Name Of A KKK Leader

The Story Of The Edmund Pettus Bridge, The Civil Rights Landmark That Bears The Name Of A KKK Leader

The Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama was named after a former Confederate general in 1940. But in 1965, the bridge became the site of a historic civil rights protest.