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Meet Oliver Sipple, The Vietnam Veteran Who Saved President Ford’s Life — And Was Punished For It

Meet Oliver Sipple, The Vietnam Veteran Who Saved President Ford’s Life — And Was Punished For It

After disarming an assassin, Oliver Sipple was hailed a hero. But the ensuing media storm outed him as gay and upended his entire life.
19th Century Documents Reveal Account Of The Only Person Ever Killed By A Meteorite

19th Century Documents Reveal Account Of The Only Person Ever Killed By A Meteorite

Millions of meteors reach Earth daily, but since 1988, only 822 have been large enough to explode in the atmosphere causing meteorite showers.
‘Unbought And Unbossed’: The Trailblazing Presidential Campaign Of Shirley Chisholm

‘Unbought And Unbossed’: The Trailblazing Presidential Campaign Of Shirley Chisholm

In 1968, Shirley Chisholm made history when she became the first African American woman elected to Congress. Just four years later, she set her sights on the White House.
When Did The Black Plague Start? Expert Theories From Ocean Trade To Biological Warfare

When Did The Black Plague Start? Expert Theories From Ocean Trade To Biological Warfare

The Black Death was the deadliest pandemic in human history and scholars still struggle to map when and where it began. But some of the most compelling theories are truly disturbing.
A Gray Wolf Was Just Spotted In Northern France For The First Time In A Century

A Gray Wolf Was Just Spotted In Northern France For The First Time In A Century

Experts said the animal captured in the footage was likely the long-lost wolf breed.
Scientists Finally Recreate Mysterious Blue Ink From Medieval Manuscripts

Scientists Finally Recreate Mysterious Blue Ink From Medieval Manuscripts

The ink contains a newly discovered type of blue pigment that researchers say is "in a class of its own."
Canadian Woman’s Breast Implant Saved Her Life By Deflecting A Bullet

Canadian Woman’s Breast Implant Saved Her Life By Deflecting A Bullet

Doctors believe the bullet entered the woman's left side, was diverted by her implants, and then lodged behind her right breast where it remained until surgery.
Plague-Era Poetry Collection Contains One Of The First Known Uses Of The F-Word

Plague-Era Poetry Collection Contains One Of The First Known Uses Of The F-Word

Poetry challenges known as 'flyting' duels were the medieval equivalent of the modern-day rap battle.
Deep Sea Squid Light Up Their Whole Bodies To Communicate

Deep Sea Squid Light Up Their Whole Bodies To Communicate

Researchers observed 28 different luminescent signals exchanged between the squids.
Siberian Region Says They’re Coronavirus-Free Thanks To A 2,400-Year-Old Mummy

Siberian Region Says They’re Coronavirus-Free Thanks To A 2,400-Year-Old Mummy

Archaeologists believe the mummy may have been a healer or priestess when she was alive.
The Ugly Truth About Shark Fin Soup, The Delicacy That Could Drive Some Species To Extinction

The Ugly Truth About Shark Fin Soup, The Delicacy That Could Drive Some Species To Extinction

Shark finning kills about 73 million of these animals each year just so we can make shark fin soup, a traditional dish that remains popular despite sometimes being toxic.